When human influencers face new competition



The world of influencer marketing has long been plagued by the challenges associated with working with real-life personalities. Diva behavior, unreasonable demands, and chronic tardiness have become all too common complaints among brands and agencies alike. This frustration has led some to seek alternative solutions, and the rise of virtual influencers has presented an intriguing option.

One notable example is Aitana Lopez, a virtual influencer created by a Spanish agency that was disappointed with the difficulties of working with real models. Lopez, with her flawless appearance and ever-available schedule, quickly garnered a massive following on social media platforms, proving that virtual influencers could rival their real-life counterparts in terms of popularity and engagement.

Her Instagram profile, active for just a few months, boasts over 317,000 followers, with comments and likes multiplying with each post.
What sets Aitana apart is her AI-generated persona. She doesn’t age, tire, or need beauty sleep. Her creators meticulously crafted her appearance, personality, and interests. Aitana’s allure lies in her other worldly charm, a blend of human aesthetics and machine precision.

Aitana’s online presence translates into real-world success. With monthly earnings of more than US$11,000, she collaborates with brands, influences trends, and captures the imagination of her vast social media audience. Her impact extends beyond mere pixels—she challenges our perception of authenticity and blurs the line between reality and simulation.

Aitana Lopez’s virtual stardom shows that AI isn’t just about algorithms—it’s about reshaping our world, one pixel at a time. Whether it’s composing symphonies like Beethoven or gracing Instagram feeds, AI continues to surprise and inspire. Aitana is proof that the future belongs to both humans and their digital counterparts.

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Aitana Lopez: The virtual influencer blending beauty and technology. With 317,000 followers, her perfect AI persona inspires and captivates. (Aitana Instagram photo)

Aitana, who was created using AI, has blurred the lines between fashion and technology. Whether you like it or not, these advancing and unsettling changes are here to stay.

Aitana is not alone in the virtual influencer landscape. Other virtual celebrities and models have also found immense success, attracting millions of followers and securing lucrative brand partnerships. 

Some notable examples include:

Lil Miquela: This mysterious virtual model has become a global sensation, blurring the lines between reality and fiction with her lifelike appearance and compelling online persona. She gained over a million followers within her first two years on Instagram. Miquela is portrayed as a 20-year-old girl of Brazilian-American heritage.

Shudu Gram: Shudu Gram, also known as @shudu.gram, is an AI-generated fashion icon. This virtual supermodel has graced the covers of magazines and collaborated with major fashion brands, showcasing the potential of virtual influencers in the fashion industry.  

Blawko: known as Blawko22, is a fascinating digital character with a unique online presence. This virtual musician and artist has amassed a dedicated following with his unique sound and visually striking virtual persona. 

As virtual influencers continue to gain traction, they are poised to play an increasingly significant role in the future of influencer marketing. While real-life influencers will undoubtedly remain relevant, virtual influencers offer a compelling alternative for brands seeking to avoid the challenges associated with working with real people.

The rise of virtual influencers like Aitana and others reflects a growing trend in the marketing industry. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated and engaging virtual personalities emerge, further blurring the lines between the real and the virtual.
So next time you scroll through your feed, remember: behind those pixels might be an AI influencer waiting to captivate your imagination.

(Art Samaniego, Jr. is the head of Manila Bulletin IT Department and is the Senior Technology Officer.)