No sign of Catriona Gray at Sam Milby's 40th birthday celebration

At a glance

  • Sam Milby's 40th birthday was marked by a surprise party, as revealed in a post by Nice Print Photography and Star Magic.

Sam Milby celebrates his 40th Birthday (Star Magic).jpg
Sam Milby celebrates his 40th birthday (Star Magic)

After deleting their engagement photos earlier this week, celebrity couple Sam Milby and Catriona Gray seem to be lowkey dropping hints about their relationship.

Sam Milby's 40th birthday was marked by a surprise party, as revealed in a post by Nice Print Photography and Star Magic. The intimate gathering was held at the Manila House Private Members Club in Taguig City. The hunk actor turned a year older last May 23.

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"Sam Milby surely had a birthday celebration to remember! The stellar charmer was delighted to spend his special day with family and friends at a surprise party! Happy birthday once again, Sam,” Star Magic wrote in their post.

With Gerald Anderson and John Prats present at the party, the fans noticed that the former Miss Universe Catriona Gray was not featured on any of the posts

Friends help Sam celebrate his birthday

Unsurprisingly, the absence of Catriona Gray didn't go unnoticed by the netizens, who took to the comment section to express their curiosity about her whereabouts.

Earlier this month, Catriona and Sam kept quiet about their relationship after their management released a statement about their status. As of this writing, neither Sam nor Catriona's team has released a statement about their situation.