A trip to where the stars have been

Visiting iconic film locations in Hong Kong

At a glance

  • You can leave Hong Kong, but it will never leave you. — Nury Vittachi, Hong Kong: The City of Dreams

ENTER THE DRAGON A statue of martial arts master Bruce Lee can be found along the Avenue of Stars

Hong Kong’s cinema scene has always found great success for international audiences. From intense action flicks to heartfelt romance films, there are many movies for all to enjoy. Even better, why not take it up a notch by visiting some of the iconic locations yourself?

Right off the bat, two locations that come to mind are the Central to Mid-Levels escalators along Central Market and Chungking Mansions in Tsim Sha Tsui. Both come from Wong Karwai’s 1993 rom-com film Chungking Express. They’re located close to the train stations and are easy to find. If you’re willing to go the extra mile, you can visit Ching Shan Monastery in Tuen Mun to witness where much of the scenes from Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon were filmed.

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WONG KAR-WAI SITES Chungking Express filming location Chungking Mansions and the author recreating a scene at the Central to Mid-levels escalator

For Filipino cinephiles, Hong Kong serves as the setting for the recent film starring Janella Salvador and Thai actor Win Metawin, Under Parallel Skies. It’s worth noting that you can visit all of the locations seen in the film through an exclusive tour by Klook. Here are just some of the locations included in the package as you follow the path of Parin and Iris.

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BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL View from the cable car ride connecting Tung Chung and Ngong Ping

Lantau Island day tour 

Kicking off the trip is a cable car ride that connects Tung Chung and Ngong Ping on Lantau Island. Here you’ll find easy access to locations like Ngong Ping Village, Po Lin Monastery, and Big Buddha. Riding the cable car can be a thrilling experience. During our trip, the weather was cool and windy. For the most part, our surroundings were covered in a thick fog. It was amusing to look at the other passing cable cars that would show up and disappear into the mist. Lucky for us, once we reached the halfway point of the six-kilometer cable car ride, we were granted a full 360-degree view of the South China Sea and Hong Kong’s marvelous cityscape.

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PEACEFUL FISHERFOLK Tai O Fishing Village offers a quieter tourist experience

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One of the memorable destinations of the Lantau Island day tour is the visit to the Tai O Fishing Village. It’s the perfect place to visit if you’re looking to find a quieter tourist experience. Much of the stalls can be seen showing off their seafood wares like dried starfishes and the notorious pufferfish. We were given fishballs and a frozen pineapple to snack on during our stay. If you need a quiet space to reflect, Kwan Tai Temple, known as one of the oldest temples in the area, is the place to be. Finally, there’s the boat tour of the area that will grant you a glimpse of the unique houses built on stilts. If you’re lucky, you might spot some dolphins swimming around the area.

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SEAFOOD DELIGHTS Various seafood meals are sold at the Tai-O Street Market

Avenue of Stars 

Acting as Hong Kong’s very own Hollywood Boulevard, the Avenue of Stars is the place to be for any fan of Hong Kong cinema. It’s one of the stops included in the city-guided tour portion of Klook’s Under Parallel Skies tour. Here you’ll find handprints of the likes of Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, and so on. There’s even a statue immortalizing the martial arts icon Bruce Lee. If you’re a bit of a shopaholic, the K-11 Musea by the Avenue of Stars is a shopper’s paradise. Largely inspired by a museum-style aesthetic, there are several art installations inside to marvel at alongside all the stores you could possibly imagine. Perhaps the highlight of the area though is the spectacular bayside view of Victoria Harbor once the sun sets. It almost feels like being in a scene from either of the Blade Runner movies when looking at all the lit-up buildings.

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HONG KONG'S HOLLYWOOD Jet Li's plaque along the Avenue of Stars

Due to time constraints, we weren’t able to visit the other destinations included in the special tour. These include the streets of Little Thailand, the Tin Hau Temple, and the Bird Market. A voyage on the Star Ferry is also included to give better views of Victoria Harbor. Concluding the trip is a visit to the symbolic Causeway Bay Sogo Crossing where the many roads of Hong Kong quickly intersect and transition

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COASTAL BLISS Nightime view of Victoria Harbor

Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel 

After a full day of touring, guests can come find bliss by relaxing at the Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel. There are plenty of eateries to explore in the area and the hotel is conveniently near the Hong Kong International Airport. A free shuttle is provided for those who want to explore the nearby shopping malls or take the MTR off to other locations.