Korean cop comedy ‘Seoul Busters’ to debut on Disney+ in September

The Korean cop comedy series “Seoul Busters” will be premiering on Disney+ in September. 

“Seoul Busters” stars Kim Dongwook (“Coffee Prince,” “Along With The Gods”) as police captain Dongbang Yubin; Park Jihwan (“Our Blues,” “The Roundup”) as boxing champion turned homicide officer Moo Joongryeok; Seo Hyunwoo (“A Shop For Killers”) as frugal officer Jung Junghwan; Park Sewan (“Doona!,” “6/45”) as carefree cop Seo Minseo, and Lee Seungwoo (“Vigilante,” “Our Beloved Summer”) as disheveled detective Jang Tansik. 

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“Seoul Busters” stars Seo Hyunwoo, Kim Dongwook, Park Sewan, Park Jihwan and Lee Seungwoo (Disney+) 

The series, directed by Ahn Jongyeon and Shin Joonghoon, is about the Songwon Homicide Division which has been striving to do the bare minimum. 

The division’s members rank among the worst performers in the entire Korean police force every year. 

Composed of a group of misfit officers who seemingly fell into their roles, the management is looking to turn things around following the appointment of a new captain to the team. A shining star who’s excelled at everything he’s done, the fresh-faced captain has his work cut out for him in this laugh-out-loud series.

Fans of Korean comedy can enjoy immediate access to other hilarious series including “Han River Police,” and “Crash” as well as the award-winning “The Worst of Evil,” and “Vigilante” on Disney+.