Ex-Azkals face off in rare 7s Football All-Star Game

At a glance

  • One is set to take place on Sunday, May 19. It will be an ultimate face-off with Del Rosario leading the MJ Libre’s Stars against Schrock and his Stephan Schrock Supers.

Beyond the Game

Ex-Azkals face off in rare 7s Football All-Star Game

By Brian Yalung


It was with the Manila Bulletin when former Philippine Azkal Anton Del Rosario revealed plans about putting up a 7’s football league in the Philippines back in 2019.

The league has since grown with Del Rosario busy creating tournaments aligned with his passion. Roughly 5 years later, his 7s football league continues to go strong.

The 42-year-old remains active in the sport. Moreover, the former professional football player has made it a point to give back through tournaments featuring aspiring football players to harness and showcase their skills.

His tournaments are regularly held at the McKinley Hill Stadium in Taguig during weekends. However, his group also stages tournaments in regional areas like Angeles and Cebu.

Helping out the former Azkals are familiar faces who have a similar passion for the sport. That list includes Daniel Matsunaga and Stephan Schrock among others plus a host of celebrities who come to enjoy the games.


Del Rosario vs. Schrocky

AIA 7s football is bent on producing the best. However, that does not mean that there will be special games held.

One is set to take place on Sunday, May 19. It will be an ultimate face-off with Del Rosario leading the MJ Libre’s Stars against Schrock and his Stephan Schrock Supers.

There is also a bit of a twist in the All-Star event. Football players can get the chance to play alongside Del Rosario or Schrock if they get voted in.

Hence, the team compositions should be interesting giving regular booters a chance to strut their wares alongside notable football greats such as Anton and Schrocky. Details and the mechanics of this can be found on the official AIA 7s football Facebook page.

Football players can nominate any deserving fellow footballer for a slot in the All-Star game. Better yet, players can even vote for themselves to get a shot to play alongside the football legends.

The Super Sunday All-Star match will be held at the McKinley Stadium, an event that any football fanatic should not miss!