The Spirit calls. Do we respond?


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Once an archbishop was discussing Christianity with a learned Japanese journalist. The writer told the archbishop, "I can understand God the Father and God the Son, but I can never understand the significance of the ‘Honorable Bird’ (Holy Spirit)."

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Today is the feast of the Holy Spirit or Pentecost. It commemorates the momentous event when the Holy Spirit descended on the scared apostles in the Cenacle where the Last Supper took place. 

One difficulty in knowing the “Honorable Bird” is that he is represented in various symbols. The Holy Spirit is portrayed as a dove that hovered over Christ when he was baptized at the river Jordan.

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At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came down "like wind" with fiery tongues over the heads of the disciples. "Wind" ("pnoe" in Greek) is used in the Scripture to designate a person's "breath" or "spirit" (ruah in Hebrew) (Read Genesis 2,7). 

The  Spirit is the Church's breath. The divine  breath  gave the  young Christian Church astonishing powers like the gift of tongues, courage to face the hostile Jews, a burning zeal, diligence, and persistence in preaching Jesus and his teachings. Because of this, Christianity had proliferated through all parts of the world. 

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The Spirit also moves us to conversion and spiritual rebirth.    
I  had a friend who was a bank manager whose accounting expertise I consulted. He talked of  nothing  but money and investments. He wasn't  really that irreligious because he would go to church regularly, but stayed at the back. One would call him a "church pillar." 

We lost track of each other but some time ago we  met. I expected him to rattle off his favorite topic--money. Surprisingly, he now talked about  religious matters and works of charity. 

"What  happened?"  I asked. "It’s a long story, Father,” he said, “but after  joining  a Life  in  the  Spirit Seminar (LSS), I realized  that  I'd  been missing  a  lot of important things in life. Where  God  occupied the sideline before, now He is at the center of my life.”

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Did you ever feel turning a new life because of guilt feelings over some illegal transactions or illicit relationships? Or did you turn to God because of a near death experience? Or, were you converted by the good example of a friend or a spiritual retreat or seminar, or a religious article?                            

Such experiences are the whispers and promptings of the Holy Spirit.  

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Unfortunately, some prefer to follow the urgings of the evil spirit because the enticements and material incentives are irresistible. For instance, in the trafficking of illegal drugs, dealers never think that such a business destroys the lives of victims, making them addicts and dysfunctional in society. 

We have received Baptism and Confirmation from the Holy Spirit but we need a keener awareness of His presence. Do you heed the Spirit’s call and promptings?  

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The lighter side. Johnny has been a charitable, God-fearing man so one day the Lord told him, “As a fitting reward, ask three wishes and I’ll grant you.”
“First, I want millions of dollars.”  Poof! There’s a flash, and a paper with a Swiss bank account number appears in Johnny’s hand.

“Next, I want a Ferrari.” Poof!  Another blinding flash and a shiny, luxurius Ferrari is parked next to him.

“Finally,” Johnny says, “I want to be irresistible to women.”  Poof!  There’s another flash, and Johnny turns into a box of chocolates.

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Help seminarians, sick Indigents. A benefactor wrote: “Father. I would like to adopt a seminarian and help the sick indigents you’re supporting. This is my way of giving back some of the blessings the Lord has given me.”

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Donate an amount for the “poorest of the poor” we’re supporting or sponsor a seminarian's schooling for a year. For inquiry, e-mail me at: [email protected].