Liza Diño shares update on her and Ice Seguerra’s baby plans

It’s been several years since Liza Diño and Ice Seguerra made public their plan to have a baby through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Ice, in fact, already underwent the egg harvesting process necessary for the same.

But the couple has since decided to put it on hold.

Liza explained to us why during a recent chat.

“Kailangan sa ibang bansa siya sa gawin, una,” she shared. 

“I mean, posible na siyang gawin dito sa Philippines at hindi ko kailangang umalis pero dahil nga celebrity daw kami and the world view on the matter is that it is supposedly unethical pa rin daw, ayaw kami tanggapin kasi baka ma-issue sila.”

“So, in short, to undergo the procedure, kailangan pumunta ka pa rin sa ibang bansa, like Malaysia, and we just can’t find the time for it.”

The two are currently quite busy with Fire & Ice, the production company they put up recently.

“Ang hirap actually, it takes so much of our time. Ang daming kailangan gawin so, kailangan mong tutukan. Kaya, we decided na ito muna ang alagaan namin.”

"But we will make time, eventually,” Liza added. “But for now, itong studio muna ang aming baby.”

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Apart from their production company, Liza and Ice are currently busy with an upcoming play.

"It’s the first time na magiging magka-eksena talaga kami sa isang original play and I’m excited,” said Liza about the project titled “Choosing” set to be staged this June.

“It’s by Anton Juan. Story siya ng couple na tina-track back yung sexual experiences nila, yung sexual awakenings nila, in an effort to resolve yung conflict na pinagdadaanan nila sa present.”

It’s quite personal for both.

“May part kami sa process ng pagsusulat ng script,” said Liza. “Bukod sa nag-interview kami ng mga other couples, it is also parang very personal for us. Kasi here, Ice is playing a transman and I’m playing a cisgender female na nadi-discover niya na pansexual pala siya so, it’s quite relatable for us.”

“Minsan nga  after rehearsals nadadala namin sa bahay to the point na kailangan naming magdebrief and it takes time kasi masyadong personal.”

Liza is hoping the play would resonate beyond the LGBT community.

“I think akma siya kasi June is Pride Month and underrepresented pa rin talaga ang community dito.”