FASHION PULIS: Undesirable behavior

Pretty Actress (PA) has been in the industry for quite a while. 

Her acting career depended on the quality of projects presented to her. She has slowed down in recent years, but PA is reclaiming her stake in the industry. 

As far as her non-showbiz life is concerned, PA seems to be enjoying her life as a single woman, that is, if netizens are to be believed. 


Allegedly, PA has been seen in a bar somewhere. A popular location, it is considered by most as a place to be seen to be considered in. There, PA has been seen quite drunk with her Non-showbiz Companion (NC). NC is not local and apparently has controversial links as well.

Most netizens are fine with PA’s behavior. They think she has the right to enjoy her freedom and be happy. But there are those who are worried that PA might be losing herself and is on her way to establishing an unsavory reputation. After all, the public is critical with a celebrity’s off-camera behavior. 

PA is now the subject of uncalled for criticisms from people who once held her dearly. Hence, if word gets out that PA is not behaving as expected and has a new lover, she might again be the center of unwanted attention. 

‘Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior while poor character will seek to hide behind deceptive words and actions.’ — Myles Munroe

Concerning rumors 

According to the grapevine, a couple might be undergoing issues in their relationship. 

Male Partner (MP) has always been supportive of Female Half’s (FH) endeavors. MP and FH ran in the same showbiz circle of friends but each had diverse concerns in the industry. Both pursued other love interests and were linked with showbiz personalities. Before falling for each other, their relationships were serious. 

Love indeed has its mysterious way of creeping into lives. After controversies, rumors started to link MP with FH. The thing is FH is quite private with her life. 

Hardly has she been involved in any news about being seen in bars or enjoying night life. By contrast, MP is like the life of the party as he is seen in places where one ought to be seen.

Some assumed that opposites do attract. Thus, was their case. With seemingly contrasting personalities, the two hit it off. Soon, they confirmed the rumors that they were already an official couple. Everyone was happy. Fans were elated as FH’s heart finally found forever. The wait was over, much like her contemporaries, who were already settled at that time.

Time passed. Sadly, rumors continued to hound their relationship, such as they were having trouble despite countless denials from friends. Despite the grapevine
whispering problems happening between MP and FH, no one hopes this will end their love for each other. 

‘If trouble comes when you least expect it then maybe the thing to do is to always expect it.’ ― Cormac McCarthy

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