‘You’re just like your mother!’

These individuals share their recently discovered similarities with their moms


Our mothers’ role in our lives is arguably the most significant one. Her power and influence are no doubt inescapable, with the potential to make us her “mini-me”—a younger and smaller version of her. Some of us may try to evade this phenomenon, but later in life, time will reveal that we do have prominent similarities with the one who birthed us, the one who carried us inside her womb. The running joke is that sometimes when we speak, our mothers come out. 

This Mother’s Day, I asked several individuals: “What’s a surprising similarity you have with your mother that was only realized in adulthood?”


I inherited my fighting spirit and never-quit attitude from my mother. Only later in life did I realize that I am her mini-me in so many ways. I thought we were so different in my younger years, but I am so happy now that I realize how alike we actually are. I love you, Mama!!! —Chippy Ledesda, chief style consultant at Studio Matthew, with Mama Edna


After 45 years of existence, I discovered three essential similarities with my mom: her excellent human relations skills, risk-taking, and street smartness. Among our siblings, I am the type of person who can talk with any stranger regardless of their station in life. I can explore places in and out of the Philippines in any mode of transport, even death-defying ones. Lastly, since I just came home from Europe’s pickpocket hotspots untouched using only their metro, I guess that’s one proof of being streetsmart. —Alvin Gutierrez, assistant professor at De La Salle University, with Mama Norma


When I was younger people often remarked that I was a lot like my dad, who was also a writer. But these days I see so much of my mom: her sweet disposition, how much she loves (over) feeding people, our shared fixation with our hair, and her incorruptible optimism. I don’t know if I’ll ever be as great/strong/graceful as my mom but it has been an honor to witness some of the best parts of her come out in me anyway. —Isa Garcia, writer, with Mommy Pam


Growing up, I admired how Mama could connect with anyone, treating everyone with kindness no matter who they were. It was only in adulthood that I realized I shared her passion for cooking, as well as her generous spirit and open-mindedness. Like her, I find joy in treating people well and being open to all perspectives. This surprising similarity between us has deepened my appreciation for her, showing me the subtle yet profound ways she has shaped who I am today. It’s a connection that goes beyond shared interests to the very values that guide how we live and interact with the world around us. —A young Stephen Salonga, head chef at Jammers Beach Shack, with Mama Baby 


As I grew older, I noticed the uncanny resemblance I shared with my mom, especially in our approach to life. One surprising similarity that emerged in adulthood is my newfound role as a protector of our family. It’s amusing to think back to my childhood and how much I prioritized hanging out with friends. Now, I’ve embraced the responsibility of ensuring we gather daily to cherish our time together. My mom’s timeless advice to always strive to be the best version of oneself has become my guiding principle, and I’m so grateful for her wisdom. Mom, mahal kita, ikaw ang favorite kong Mama! Haha! 

Truly, she’s not just my mom, but also my best friend and greatest inspiration! —John Paulo Caparros, media relations lead at PRecious Communications, with Mama Mylene


As for me and my twin sister (Stacy), we have different insights. My mom used to tease me and call me “Anggelet” because we’re too similar in so many ways—our knack for humor, our friendliness, and our love for dance. But as an adult, there’s more to add to the list! It’s my spontaneity in life and tenacity to do what I want that have become more prominent as shared traits. My mom is strong-willed and always full of joy, and I’m happy I get to inherit these characteristics from her! As for Stacy: A similarity I discovered in adulthood is our love for cats! Every time I’m traveling, my mom would send me funny videos of playing with my cat, or their sweet moments. I never expected that she would take care of my beloved fur baby whenever I was away, but they also have their bond! Another surprising similarity would be our love for redecorating interiors. I remember coming home to what looked like a brand new room since she changed the lighting, and paint, and even bought new furniture. She loves to surprise me and my sister with a freshly redecorated space (it happened more than once!), and right now prettifying our home is one thing I’m happy doing as an adult! —The author and Stacy (Influencer Relations manager) with their Mama Angela