Sandara Park cries in reunion with her adviser at Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academy

Sandara Park got emotional and cried when she visited her former school in the Philippines and got reunited with her former teacher and class adviser. 

In the latest episode of “Dara Tour” on Sandara’s YouTube channel Dara TV, Sandara (산다라박), or Dara, together with fellow 2NE1 member Minzy, went to visit the Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academy (PPCHA) where she studied elementary . 








Sandara Park and Minzy at the Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academy (PPCHA) in Pasay in the Philippines (Screenshot from Dara TV, X)

Sandara and her family lived in the Philippines for many years before she made her debut in 2NE1 in 2009. It was in the Philippines where she entered the entertainment industry. 

“I lived in Pasay and made my debut. But before I moved to Makati City, I was first here in the Philippines. There's a school I used to go there,” she told Minzy as they walked on the street. It’s been 20 years since Sandara graduated from high school. 

When they reached the gate of PPCHA, Sandara said, “Oh, it's my school! It's a Chinese school.  That's why I was good at Chinese.” 

Before they entered the school, Sandara said, “It feels strange. Even though I visit the Philippines often, I never thought to visit this neighborhood or my old school.”

“When I visit my old neighborhood, it's nice because I miss it. But I become all sentimental,” she said. 

As they were chatting in a classroom, a woman entered. 

“Sandara, remember me?” the woman asked Sandara who replied, “Yes! You're still here!”



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Sandara Park in tears as she is reunited with her former teacher and adviser at Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academy (PPCHA) in Pasay in the Philippines (Screenshot from Dara TV)

The woman was Sandara’s class adviser 20 years ago. 

They hugged tightly and the adviser said, “Nice to see you!” 

“I was your adviser, remember? I was her teacher and her adviser. I was her adviser when she was in Grade 6,” the woman said. 

She described Sandara as “very quiet. She was really very very quiet. But we didn't know she would become like this. Open up and bloom. Very pretty young lady and a very confident lady. She has also kept her values, she is a very fine lady. I don't know why she hasn't gotten married yet!”

“You know what makes us proud is she was able to learn Filipino and communicate with everybody because before, she wasn't like that,” the teacher said of Sandara. 

Sandara said, “I thought my teachers weren't here anymore, but you are here.”

“I think I am the last one. I have been here for 39 years,” the teacher said. “So I remember her, very very well, and her brother [former MBLAQ member Thunder] also. He was here, yes, yes.”

Sandara said, “I think I came here in 1996 and graduated in 2004.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine that she would be going this far. To sing and dance in front of so many people when here we cannot make her do it. See, people really come out as they grow old. They will spread their wings. It's a good thing that she was able to spread her wings really well. Keep working,” the teacher said.