House ethics case warranted? Alvarez told to be 'cautious with his words' 

At a glance

  • Lanao del Norte 1st district Rep. Khalid Dimaporo says Davao del Norte 1st district congressman and former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarezcould face an ethics case at the House of Representatives due to his anti-government remarks.

20240415_135547.jpgLanao del Norte 1st district Rep. Khalid Dimaporo (left), Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez (Facebook)









Is an ethics case against Davao del Norte 1st district congressman and former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez in order? 

Lanao del Norte 1st district Rep. Khalid Dimaporo floated this scenario on Monday, April 15 following the latest "anti-government" remark from his fellow Mindanaoan Alvarez. 

"I would kindly urge the former Speaker to be cautious with his words and clear on his intent," Dimaporo said in a statement. 

"On face value, his anti-government statements are unbecoming of a member of the [House of Representatives] and may warrant an ethics case against him," he said of the ex-Speaker. 

Alvarez is a close ally of former president Rodrigo Duterte, who is the father of Vice President Sara Duterte and a critic of the current administration.  

In a political rally of die-hard Duterte supporters held in Tagum City, Davao del Norte on Sunday, Alvarez called on the AFP to withdraw support from President Marcos in view of administration policies that he claimed tend to escalate the tensions with China in the West Philippine Sea (WPS). 

Alvarez says Marcos would have no choice but to step down from Malacañang should the AFP withdraw its support. 



Asked whether the Department of Justice (DOJ) can indict Alvarez on charges of sedition owing to his recent statements, Dimaporo said the country should not give much importance to it 

“As for the DOJ, it should be decided on by the Executive. But I don't feel he should be given importance. Our country has other more pressing matters for the DOJ to attend to than the grumblings of a politician,” Dimaporo said. 

It was Alvarez and former president Duterte who recently led the calls for Mindanao to secede from the rest of the Philippines. This movement went nowhere. 

The House Committee on Ethics and Privileges is chaired by COOP-NATCCO Party-list Rep. Felimon Espares.