Philippine Constitution ‘recognizes women’

The Philippines’ 1987 Constitution did better than the Constitutions of other countries in recognizing women.

“Our Constitution has done better because we have in Article 2, Section 14, the wording that the state shall ensure not only a passive act, the fundamental equality before the law of women and men,” said Acting Chief Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen in an inspiration speech at the start of the judiciary’s celebration of Women’s Month this March.

“The order of women and men rather than men and women is a conscious decision of the Constitutional Commission when it wrote the Constitution,” Leonen pointed out.

Section 14, Article 2 of the Constitution states: “The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.”

The judiciary, led by the SC, started its celebration of Women’s Month last Monday, March 4, during its flag-raising ceremony.

In his message, Associate Justice Jhosep Y. Lopez, co-chairperson of the SC’s Committee on Gender Responsiveness in the Judiciary (CGRJ), said that “out of nearly 2,000 judges, 55 percent are women -- a testament to our commitment to inclusivity, meritocracy, and diversity.”

Lopez said that it would also give so much benefit to have more female magistrates in the SC. “I know that this would no longer be a distant reality because we have Associate Justices Amy C. Lazaro-Javier and Maria Filomena D. Singh trailblazing a path towards an even more diverse court,” he said.

Justices Javier and Singh are the only two female jurists in the 15-member SC.

Reacting to Lopez’s statement, Javier said the 13 other SC justices never once made them feel diminished. They are “all progressive men, [who] always heard, respected, and listened to our voices.”

Lopez said “the increasing trend to appoint more and more women to appellate court positions is also very promising.”  However, he emphasized that “the participation of women in nation-building remains an area that needs stronger advocacy and support.”

Associate Justice Henri Jean Paul B. Inting, co-chair of the CGRJ, acknowledged the Court’s consistent efforts in supporting women's month and helping realize the lofty ambitions it aims to achieve.

He cited the five-year Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovations 2022-2027 or the SPJI. “As a core principle in the SPJI, the Court intends to pursue efforts that would ultimately further its desire to foster a culture of inclusivity,” he pointed out.

He also cited the theme of the Women’s Month 2024: “WE for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society.” He pointed out that the “’WE’ stands for women and everyone.”

“This means that all of us are called to contribute to nation-building and that it is only through our collective efforts that we can truly achieve an inclusive society,” he said.

Justice Javier emphasized that “Gender Equality and Inclusive Society is the Court delivering justice on behalf of women and children who are victims of violence as it is you encouraging your wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and the women in your lives to pursue their personal goals and dreams.”

“It is women and men enjoying equal rights and privileges under the law as it is all of us consciously using gender-fair language, observing gender-fair etiquette, and abandoning gender stereotypes in all our dealings, especially in the Court,” she added. 
Acting Chief Justice Leonen (Chief Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo is on official leave of absence) congratulated the CGRJ’s efforts.

“Sooner or later, I hope that we can graduate from gender responsiveness to gender justice,” Leonen said.

Also, in line with the SC’s celebration of Women’s Month, officials and employees were encourage to wear purple office attire on all Mondays of the month of March.

Earlier, during the flag ceremony at the Department of Justice (DOJ), Justice Singh rallied the country’s women “to never give up and speak up for your rights and for what you believe that you deserve.”

“Needless to say, a woman does not have to be a particular advocate of feminism or women’s rights. By birth right, kailangan tinataguyod natin ang isa’t isa (we need to promote or endorse each other),” she said.