Luzon grid could experience yellow alert in April, May

The Department of Energy (DOE) cautioned that the power supply available in the Luzon grid could drop below a specified safety threshold in the next two months due to the ongoing El Niño phenomenon.

In a statement, the DOE said that yellow alerts may occur in April and May in the Luzon Grid as hydroelectric power plants operate at reduced capacity levels.

Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla said the summer season places significant strain on electricity demand, particularly due to increased cooling needs, resulting in peak shifts in consumption and stress on infrastructure.

“We are, therefore, closely coordinating with all the stakeholders to carefully manage and plan for the effects of the summer period and the on-going El Niño to ensure reliable and sustainable electricity supply,” Lotilla said.

“At the same time we request the support of everyone during this challenging period by being conscious in our use of electricity,” he added.

Yellow alerts are issued when the power reserve level in the grid is low, while red alerts are declared when the actual power supply falls short of demand, leading to impending power outages.

On the other hand, the DOE said that the Visayas and Mindanao grids are expected to maintain a normal reserve level in the second quarter of the year.

To prevent alert notifications, the DOE said that it is actively monitoring the grid's integrity and reliability by consistently revising the power outlook, taking into account any potential alterations, especially in the operations of power generation units.

The DOE also said that it collaborates with relevant government bodies to expedite the approval of regulatory necessities for the finalization of power facilities when needed.