Palm Sunday: Ushering in a Holy Week of reflection and solidarity

E CARTOON MAR 24, 2024 (1).jpg

Today’s observance of Palm Sunday ushers in Holy Week that culminates on Easter Sunday, the greatest feast of Christianity. The blessing of palms highlights the celebration, as these are carried by the faithful in a ritual procession into church. The blessed palms are kept in homes, then incinerated a year later to create the ashes that will be used in the following year’s Ash Wednesday rites. 

Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful receive palm fronds which they use to participate in the reenactment of Christ's arrival in Jerusalem. In the Gospels, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a young donkey — to symbolize his humility and quest for peace — to the lavish praise of the townspeople who threw clothes, or possibly palms or small branches, in front of him as a sign of homage. 

Palm branches are widely recognized symbols of peace and victory, hence their preferred use on Palm Sunday. Red and white are the colors of the mass, emblematic of the redemption in blood that Christ paid for the world. In the gospel, the sorrowful narrative of his arrest, mock trial, and crucifixion is retold in a way that invites the faithful to relive those events with a vivid appreciation of their significance in terms of enriching the practice of their faith. 

Today’s observance offers an opportunity for reflection, not just on spiritual matters but also on the key challenges that affect the broader sections of our society and nation. 
Income inequality remains a persistent issue, with a significant portion of the population struggling to meet basic needs. Let us rekindle our compassion toward those in need, fostering a society where everyone can thrive, and no one is left behind. 

Countless communities across the archipelago still lack access to vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and reliable utilities. This huge infrastructure deficit impedes economic development and perpetuates regional disparities — and calls the attention of our political and business leaders to work together in assembling the needed resources for infrastructure development. 

We cannot overlook, too, the plight of malnourished children, their growth stunted by lack of proper nutrition. Palm Sunday urges us to prioritize initiatives that ensure every Filipino child has access to nutritious food and a chance to reach his or her full potential.

Recent events affecting some of the country’s treasured natural resources serve as reminders that environmental degradation looms large. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change threaten the essential fabric of our ecosystems and livelihoods. Palm Sunday implores us to be stewards of the environment, advocating for sustainable practices that safeguard our natural heritage for future generations.

By broadening the scope of our reflection to include solidarity with the pressing concerns of our citizenry, we expand the reach of our compassion and resolve in building a brighter future for all Filipinos. Let the waving of palms be a symbol not just of celebration but of our commitment to justice, equity, and solidarity.