Government employees, faculty members, and students from state and local universities, can register for free at the DICT’s ICT training courses.
The DICT’s LMS offers a comprehensive range of courses for individuals across skill levels from beginners to advanced users.
The free courses include Python programming, Big Data, digital transformation, cloud computing, software engineering, digital marketing, web development, mobile web application development, and graphic design.
This program was launched by the DICT, through the ICT Literacy and Competency Development Bureau, and their regional offices. It is a move to strengthen the country’s cyber resilience by providing awareness and education about cyberspace, an ever-evolving platform.
This initiative seeks to address the delivery of basic education to Filipinos. It also aims to improve Filipino's access to digital opportunities.
The courses will be asynchronous, so learners can proceed at their own pace.
As of this writing, there are 15,000 slots remaining.
You can register here: https://bit.ly/DICTLMSRegform