Miss Universe slams malicious attempts to tarnish reputation of organization

At a glance

  • In a statement, the MUO reaffirmed its commitment to the core values it has defended for many years.

Miss Universe owner Anne Jakrajutatip (Facebook)

The Miss Universe Organization (MUO) stated that it won't be influenced by malicious attempts to damage its reputation.

In a statement, the MUO reaffirmed its commitment to the core values it has defended for many years.

The full statement:

"In light of recent misinformation and attempts to smear the Miss Universe Organization, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the core values we have diligently defended over the years.

"The Miss Universe Organization has worked tirelessly to promote inclusion, transparency, and integrity, and we will not be swayed by unfounded allegations.

"We have been informed of malicious attempts by certain individuals to tarnish the reputation of our organization by spreading false accusations.

"These individuals have engaged in the manipulation of digital content and the distortion of facts for personal gain.

"We wish to assure our supporters, sponsors, and partners that these actions will not derail us from our mission.

"Our commitment to inclusion and transparency remains steadfast, and we will take all necessary legal action to address these unethical attempts to besmirch our organization.



"The Miss Universe Organization stands as a beacon of empowerment and diversity, unwavering in our commitment to upholding cherished values.

"We remain committed to our mission to offer equal opportunity and honor the beauty found in every individual, regardless of background or ethnicity.

"Our steadfast dedication to inclusion is exemplified by the leadership of our CEO, Anne Jakrajutatip, whose unwavering dedication has fostered a climate of freedom and equality through her actions.

"The Miss Universe selection process has long been synonymous with fairness and integrity.

"We have diligently imparted our core principles of transparency and loyalty to our National Directors, for the free and independent selection of delegates representing their nations on the Miss Universe stage.

"Maintaining this standard ensures that our judging panel is composed of people with unwavering ethics, credibility, and autonomy, all guided by the mission of empowering women who embody the values of the Miss Universe Organization.

"We wholeheartedly embrace and defend the expression of beauty in its various forms. We urge our supporters to stand firmly with us in upholding these ideals, demonstrating through our actions the commitment to women's empowerment and resisting any attempts to suppress these values. 

"Together we will safeguard the principles of inclusivity, transparency, and integrity, ensuring that they remain central to all our efforts."