Imee on Philippine-China relations: 'Neighbors forever, friends for all time'

Despite the ongoing tension in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), Sen. Imee Marcos expressed her belief that the Chinese Filipinos, or "Chinoys" will have a unique and special role to play in creating an understanding between both sides. 

Sen. Imee Marcos attends the 13th Biennial National Convention of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) in Manila Hotel on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024. (Photo from the Office of Senator Imee Marcos)

"That both sides are able to translate into their culture a better friendship and a deepening bond. I think this role of bridging two cultures will be yours in a special and indeed most significant way.," she said.

Marcos highlighted this during her speech at the 13th Biennial National Convention of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) in Manila Hotel where she was the guest speaker.

"You all know that my family beginning with my father and then my mother as well as my brother have committed to this friendship. We will be neighbors forever and friends for all time," she said.

Marcos praised CFBCI as being the "crème de la crème" as one of the most prominent non-profit organizations in the Chinoy community, with a vaunted membership of over 300 members from all different areas of law, finance, business, government, travel agriculture, and other hardware appliances, including construction.

She also lauded its launch of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Center for which they have received a Presidential citation and many awards by assisting the middle and lower strata to establish small businesses through free seminars, workshops, and even on occasion, capital for their basic beginnings in entrepreneurship. 

She also cited CFBCI's Pagharap sa Pangarap Education Program aligned with the government efforts to provide free quality education from the basic to the tertiary levels which helped produce 15 manga cum laudes, and 66 cum laudes who are now all gainfully employed. 

"This is a testament to the quality and excellence of the efforts of your group. Certainly, you have helped us greatly and all the local government units and the agencies and the organizations in school for your never-ending compassion and generosity," she said.

Private sector

While there is still much fuss regarding the push for Constitutional amendments between the Senate and the House of Representatives (HOR), Marcos said that the government relies on the private sector to bring back the energy and vitality so essential to give our people good, reliable, and quality jobs. 

"It is our hope, therefore that we put aside finally the very rancorous and bitter debates in politics so that finally, we can buckle down and do business. Business for all our corporations, all our partnerships, and all those committed to making the Filipino economy great again," she said.

"So that finally, we once again retrieve our position as one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. It is our hope that truly, we can work together for after all, when all is said and done, government may be good at certain infrastructure, government may be very good at reglementary frameworks, but in the end, nine out of 10 jobs are generated by the private sector. It is upon you that we rely that all our people be gainfully and prosperously employ. It is also upon you that we rely for our economy to come back to life," she added.

Preparing for the future

The celebration, according to Marcos, is also a time to reflect and gather to plan for the turbulent times ahead. 

"These are no doubt difficult times perhaps among the most difficult during your and my lifetime yet we must find a way together and truly your dynamic, your visionary and truly capable group the CFBCI will have to provide us with the insights for the future that we will direly need," she said.

"It is my hope that we can work together and find a way to bring the economy to life, to solve our problems, and most especially to make certain that Chinese Filipinos who have always contributed way past their way, only being 10 percent in the population but providing the employment and the economic activity of over 50 percent," she added.

The senator hailed CFBCI for its remarkable achievement and mentioned how it is important that the government does nothing but support and assist them in their efforts. 

"You can count on me and I hope to learn from you," she said.