Koo Hye-sun, known for her role in the hit television series "Boys Over Flowers," is graduating summa cum laude from Sungkyunkwan University, where she is reportedly enrolled in the Department of Film and Television.
The 39-year-old South Korean actress posted on her Instagram, along with her graduation pictures and her final academic grades.
As translated to English, the K-drama star expressed joy about graduating with top honors on Feb. 23. "Hello everyone. It's been a while. Finally, after a long journey, I am going to graduate on the 23rd. I'm writing this with a happy heart that I was able to graduate with high honors (Summa Cum Laude).”
On the report card she shared, Koo Hye-sun received a high score of 97.7 percent, with an overall average grade of 4.27 out of 4.5 points.
She expressed gratitude to the graduates and teachers from Sungkyunkwan University. “The grace of Sungkyun Gwan University alumni and professors who helped me achieve a small achievement one by one among the lost time... I will not forget. Thank you.”