Marcos 'sleeps better at night' knowing he has centenarian JPE in his corner

Having the long-time politician Juan Ponce Enrile "in my corner" allows President Marcos to sleep better at night.

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President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. and Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile (Photo courtesy of PPA/KJ Rosales)

Marcos made the statement as he celebrated the 100th birthday of his chief presidential legal counsel at the Malacañan Palace on Feb. 14.

He expressed gratitude for being able to work with Enrile, whom he met through his father.  

"[H]e is a remarkable person and I’m just so happy to have known him. First through my father and now as we have found work together--- I must admit to have him in my corner, gives me--- allows me to sleep better at night than if he were not there," Marcos said.

He recalled the times when he had to ask for Enrile's advice during his years-long electoral protests and how those visits would end with Enrile giving him a reading assignment.

 "There was a time when I was still protesting the vice-presidential election and I would often go to see Tito Johnny and I would say 'what do you think I should do?', 'what advice can you bring me?' and he would provide me of--- of course the best advice that I could get," Marcos shared.

"But before I would leave he always left me a reading list, it was like I was back in Oxford that they were giving me a reading list, mga limang libro (about five books)," he added.

The President also revealed that it was also Enrile's reading assignments that helped him get into the presidency.

Enrile told him: "Basahin mo ito and if you read all of these books, you will be ready to be president."

"I said, 'well, we're not thinking of that', 'basta basahin mo'. And hindi mo pwedeng sabihing--- hindi mo pwedeng sabihin na 'yes, tito, binasa ko na. Okay na' Ah hindi, may examination, may quiz (And you cannot say that you've read it even if you did not because there is an examination, a quiz after)," Marcos shared.

Enrile served as Justice Secretary from 1968 to 1970, and Minister of National Defense during the term of former president Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr.

He continued to serve in the legislative branch as former representative of the 1st District of Cagayan province and four terms as Senartor. He was also Senate President from November 2008 until June 2013. 

Enrile returned to government service in 2022 as Chief Presidential Legal Counsel of the Marcos Jr. administration. He was 98 then.