Warabimochi Kamakura, renowned for its melt-in-your-mouth Japanese delicacies, is set to open its first Philippine branch at SM Megamall’s Mega Fashion Hall in January 2025. This marks a significant addition to Manila’s dessert scene, bringing a beloved Japanese treat closer to Filipino food lovers.
Originating as a dessert crafted for Japanese royalty, warabimochi has evolved into a global sensation. Warabimochi Kamakura has elevated this traditional delicacy with its secret recipe and high-quality ingredients, creating a jelly-like texture that dissolves effortlessly in each bite. The dessert is available in classic Kinako (roasted soybean flour) and Matcha (powdered green tea) flavors, hand-cut fresh for every customer.
Beyond its iconic dessert, Warabimochi Kamakura offers innovative drinks that incorporate chewy warabimochi pieces. The beverage lineup includes flavors such as Matcha, Hojicha, Strawberry, Coffee, Lemonade, and Matcha Lemonade, with seasonal limited-edition varieties adding excitement to the menu.
With over 50 locations in Japan and a presence in Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, and the United States, the brand’s arrival in the Philippines is expected to draw crowds of dessert enthusiasts eager to experience its renowned offerings.
Stay updated on Warabimochi Kamakura’s launch by following @kamakura_philippines on Instagram. For more information about events and promotions at SM Megamall, visit www.smsupermalls.com or check out @SMSupermalls on social media.