Strengthening the battle against a silent pandemic

Why people are getting vaccinated against Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

At a glance

  • Each day, 12 Filipina women die of cervical cancer. Although it is preventable and treatable, this disease claims the lives of 350,000 women globally every year. Vaccines are proven to prevent HPV infections and significantly reduce cancer risks, making it crucial to expand access to these vaccines beyond traditional healthcare settings.

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TIME TO SPEAK UP From left: Belay Fernando, Bea McLelland, Kendra Kramer, and Cheska Garcia-Kramer, and Niña Corpuz

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a prevalent virus that can lead to significant health problems, including cervical, genital, and throat cancers, in both men and women. It is often spread unknowingly, as many people are asymptomatic. Dr. Stephanie Veneracion calls it a “silent pandemic,” citing how, “(HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and is responsible for over 95 percent of cervical cancer cases.”


 Recently, women from diverse backgrounds gathered together for the Guard Against HPV's impactful panel discussion, Her Story, Her Strength: Speaking Up on What We DeCerv, organized by MSD Philippines. Compelling stories on health literacy from medical experts, practical insights into everyday preventive measures from influencers, and powerful conversations with advocates and survivors took place during the event.


Among the speakers were celebrity mom and women’s health advocate Cheska Garcia-Kramer, former player and coach of the Philippine National Team for Women's Football Belay Fernando, and cervical cancer advocate Bea McLelland. Kramer discussed how she managed to talk about HPV with her daughter and stressed the importance of a mother being open to discuss such things, due to how younger people tend to rely more on their peers or the Internet for information about delicate issues. For Belay, having been a cancer survivor, she talked about her experience with the early symptoms of cervical cancer. Finally, for Fernando’s portion, she brought up the lack of awareness about the disease.


“Nobody really talks about cervical cancer. Not even with my friends, not in schools, not even within the family,” shared Fernando. “They (medical professionals) opened my mind to it and how this is one cancer that can really be prevented with vaccination and early detection.”


Each day, 12 Filipina women die of cervical cancer. Although it is preventable and treatable, this disease claims the lives of 350,000 women globally every year. 


Vaccines are proven to prevent HPV infections and significantly reduce cancer risks, making it crucial to expand access to these vaccines beyond traditional healthcare settings. Today, pharmacists are playing an increasingly vital role in this effort, with more becoming immunizing pharmacists trained to administer vaccines.


 “There is what we call pharmacy-based immunization. There are now certain pharmacies that are licensed to give the vaccines,” shares Philippine Society of Hospital Pharmacists Liza Sta. Maria. “[Through] proper training and certification, they would be able to administer the vaccines.”


Prioritizing regular screenings and vaccinations is necessary, not only for your personal health but also for the broader public health effort. By taking these proactive measures, you ensure that you’re doing everything possible to protect yourself and support the fight against HPV-related diseases. 


Guarantee your health and show that you’re committed to what you deserve—make the choice to get screened and vaccinated now. Learn more about HPV and what you can do about it through Guard Against HPV.