Five tips to go todo-depensa this flu season

Here are five tips on how to strengthen your family’s defenses this flu season.


When the rain pours, you also need to pour out all the nutrition and protection that your family needs. Especially with the flu season and the coming rainy months, it’s never been more important to strengthen your loved ones’ health and immunity.


So why wait until they’re sick, when you can prevent illness? Here are five tips on how to strengthen your family’s defenses this flu season.



TODO-DEPENSA TIP#1: Hand washing is the key

If we picked up anything good from the pandemic, it would be frequent hand washing.It’s one of the healthiest habits that we can form. But just as important as frequent hand washing is properhandwashing.Youshouldbewashingyourhandswithsoapforatleast20seconds.Andevenif your hands are already clean, you should still avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.


It’s important to teach these tips to our kids, especially as they head back to school. You can also pack small soap bottles in their hygiene kits to encourage more frequent hand washing.



Viruses and bacteria are everywhere, and they can live on commonly touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and countertops. That’s why it’s important to clean and disinfect these surfaces.


But what about public areas that are beyond our control, like schools? As a responsible parent, you can ask school administration about their efforts to ensure cleanliness and safety on school grounds.


TODO-DEPENSA TIP#3: Avoid crowds

Flu and viruses spread from person to person in enclosed spaces. That’s why, as much as possible, you should avoid going to crowded places. If and when you do find yourself in a crowded place, it won’t hurt to still put on that face mask, especially in places like hospitals.


When it comes to family activities, it’s still better to hold them in open-air spaces and parks. Not only do you get extra vitamin D from sunshine, but the natural air circulation also prevents the spread of viruses.


TODO-DEPENSA TIP#4: Stay fit, stay healthy

Being fit and healthy isn’t just for your figure or aesthetics. Looking after your physical health and wellbeing ensures that your body is in the best shape to fight illness and viruses.


Get enough hours of quality sleep. This means seven to eight hours for adults and nine to 11 hours for kids.


We should also do regular physical activities. You should give your kids some playtime outside, so that they aren’t just on their gadgets all the time. And make sure to always stay hydrated.


TODO-DEPENSA TIP#5: Strengthen immunity

At the end of the day, our most important defense against illnesses is our immunity. That’s why we should be giving our kids the right nutrition, through healthy and balanced meals with lots of fruits and vegetables. We can also supplement their diet with vitamins A and C, which can be found in fortified milks like Birch Tree Fortified. Studies by the European Food Safety Authority, the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, and the Singapore Food Agency show that itamins A and C contribute to the normal function of our immune systems–making them essential nutrient for our families.

About Birch Tree Fortified Powdered Milk


Birch Tree Fortified has been a trusted milk brand for generations of Filipino families.With Lakas Depensa Plus, Birch Tree is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals to support your whole family’s immunity, bone health, and brain function.


Birch Tree Fortified Powdered Milk is available in different sizes, from sachets to 2-kg packs, and is also available in Choco flavor.

