Bacardi 'Scarnival' cocktail and meal pairings for a haunted Halloween feast

Bacardi, the multi-awarded rum brand, has launched a limited-edition Bacardi bottle featuring a glow-in-the-dark design for Halloween. Media representatives were invited to a food pairing event showcasing these Halloween-themed cocktails.

No Halloween celebration is complete without spooky cocktails. Bacardi has created several cocktail recipes that pair well with festive dishes.

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Cocktail and Food Pairings:

Vampire’s Blood Cocktail

Food Pairing: Spicy Dishes
Start the evening with spicy starters like Spicy Tuna Rolls or Mexican dishes. The heat from these foods pairs well with the ginger ale and ube syrup in the Bacardi Gold-based Vampire’s Blood cocktail.

Goblin’s Punch Cocktail

Food Pairing: Grilled Seafood
Pair grilled shrimp, fish, or shellfish with the Goblin’s Punch cocktail. The vanilla notes in Bacardi Gold complement the fresh flavors of seafood.

Black Magic Cocktail

Food Pairing: Grilled or Barbecued Meat
For meat lovers, grilled steaks or barbecued ribs work well with the Black Magic cocktail. The caramel notes of Bacardi Gold enhance the smoky flavors of the meat.

Black Magic Cocktail

Food Pairing: Desserts
Finish your Halloween feast with desserts like dark chocolate cake or caramel flan. The Black Magic cocktail elevates the richness of these treats.

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Cocktail Recipes:

Vampire’s Blood

45ml Bacardi Gold
15ml Fresh Lime Juice
90ml Ginger Ale
20ml Ube Syrup (Poured from Hollowed-out Lime)
Shake Bacardi Gold and lime juice. Top with ginger ale.
Pour ube syrup after serving.

Goblin’s Punch

45ml Bacardi Gold
15ml Fresh Lime Juice
20ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Dionysus Green Mango Syrup
1 slice red chili
Tajin Rim
Shake all ingredients.
Serve in a chili salt-rimmed glass.

Black Magic

20ml Bacardi Gold
20ml Aperol
20ml Fresh Lemon Juice
90ml Dark Beer
15ml Overproof Spirit
Cinnamon Powder
Shake Aperol, lemon juice, and Bacardi Gold. Pour into a glass with dark beer.
Ignite some Bacardi Gold in a shot glass and sprinkle cinnamon powder. Pour into the drink after the flame goes out.

The Bacardi Limited Edition Glow in the Dark bottle is available online, at selected restaurants, bars, and liquor stores.