How does one achieve fulfillment and success from the ground up?

A financial leader at Pru Life UK and CEO of her own general agency with humble beginnings

For Jhovy Tungcul-Torres, it’s about seizing opportunities, working with purpose, and securing financial stability for her family. A financial leader at Pru Life UK and CEO of her own general agency with humble beginnings, this is her story of success. 


Financial advisors’ role nowadays go beyond mere transactions, as they now offer a path to financial security and stability - which resonates deeply with the broader goal of societal upliftment. It is one of the reasons why financial institutions today, insurance companies in particular, ensure to equip financial leaders with holistic training and constant support, fostering impactful change-makers within the industry. 

One that can certify is one of today’s financial leaders, Jhovy Tungcul-Torres, a 37-year-old Pru Life UK branch manager and the CEO of her own general agency. Her story reflects how a financial advisor's mission can transcend mere business goals to genuinely uplift and inspire the lives of others. Her story highlights the profound impact that dedication and purpose can have on the industry—a vision that aligns closely with Pru Life UK’s own aspirations for meaningful change.

‘The foundation of success is knowing your dream’


What makes her story inspiring is that she is one of those successful individuals who rose to success despite coming from a humble background. 

For Jhovy, the journey began with a clear vision and a belief in her ability to rise to success. Reflecting on her motivations, she shares during an interview with the Manila Bulletin, “No matter where you are, your age, or what you're going through, believing that you can get out of there and that you can get where you want to be, will enable you to reach your goal. It's also important to know why you're doing it and to stay strong in your purpose.” Her words underscore the importance of having a resilient mindset and a deep understanding of one’s purpose.

This dream was fueled by her background. “We weren't well-off. Ever since I was young, I dreamed of becoming wealthy, so I’ll grab every opportunity because I want to give back to my family.” This reveals a personal commitment not only to her success but also to honoring her family. 

The decision to shift careers was inspired by witnessing the positive changes in her friend's life who works as a financial advisor in the company, which added a layer of genuine enthusiasm to her professional journey.

Understanding the ‘hows’ of achieving her dreams was also crucial for her. She was determined to attend numerous trainings despite having not enough money to go to the venue. Explaining the motivation behind her persistence, she shared, “When I realized the impact I could make in others’ lives during the training, and saw the potential income I could earn, I thought, ‘Wow, this is how it works.’ It’s incredible because what I’m doing has purpose—I can help others while also building my own success.” Her realization of the limitless potential in the insurance industry highlights the unique opportunities offered by this field. 

Jhovy also emphasized the importance of learning from experiences and not fearing mistakes in order to achieve the goals one has set for him/herself. She shared that one of her mentors praised her for not being afraid to make mistakes which reflects the necessity of having a high adversity quotient in such a challenging industry.

Holistically equipping leaders for success


Jhovy attributes much of her success to the comprehensive training and support she received provided by Pru Life UK. She notes, “In Pru Life UK, once you start as an agent, you will be able to help people. Once you become a manager, you will also be able to help your agents achieve their dreams.” 

This growth reflects how even big insurance companies, like Pru Life UK, are dedicated to supporting its workforce and leaders, offering them the resources needed to thrive and create a positive impact.

Her initial transition from an IT job to a full-time financial advisor was swift and driven by passion. "I immediately resigned from my IT job when I joined Pru Life UK. I only worked part-time for a month because I completely fell in love with what I was doing." This passion was further ignited by the training programs at Pru Life UK.

“The training they provided enabled me to touch people, even strangers because Pru Life UK taught me how to tap different generations. We are now doing the cold market or those who have had little to no prior contact or relationship with any advisor or company.” She said that the training covered a wide range of skills, from estate planning to engaging with diverse client demographics.       

“They not only want to sell products, and that’s what I liked the most about the company. Their holistic approach changes agents’ perspectives like what it did to me.” This allows advisors to connect deeply with clients and understand their needs. 

More than the learnings, she values the connections made through Pru Life UK’s training programs. Her commitment to learning from colleagues, including professionals from diverse fields, highlights the invaluable network and mentorship available within Pru Life UK.

“I get to meet different people. In Pru [Life UK], they didn’t just join for the sake of it. I have classmates who are lawyers, doctors, and businesspeople. Just being with them during training is already worth it because you learn so much from them.”

A journey toward fulfillment and beyond 


Over the past decade, Jhovy’s ascent within Pru Life UK has been nothing short of impressive, yet it did not come without challenges. Starting as a Financial Advisor, she faced numerous obstacles before becoming a unit manager, and ultimately achieving Branch Manager status after years of persistence and hard work. Each milestone required immense dedication and perseverance, underscoring the significant effort she invested to reach her current position.

Today, her pursuit of the area of being a manager and handling multiple branches reflect her leadership and success in the industry.

Jhovy shared that a particularly touching moment in her career was being part of securing the legacy of a close friend who passed away during the pandemic. It was one of the moments when she truly appreciated her passion as an advisor which pushed her to become more dedicated to her work. Jhovy recognized that her role as a financial advisor extended beyond numbers; it was about making a real difference in people's lives during difficult times. This fulfilling experience underscored her belief in the importance of financial security, especially in moments of crisis, and inspired her to strive for excellence in her profession.

On top of that, she is now able to provide for her family. At first, her parents did not approve. But two years into the company, she was able to buy properties and assets for her and her family. Now, she also pays for the insurance of her family members, including nieces and nephews. This personal success story emphasizes the tangible benefits of a career in financial advising, showcasing how it can lead to significant personal and familial improvements.

Jhovy also values the support she received from Pru Life UK in setting up her general agency. “Pru Life UK lets us fly, gives us wings, and believes that we can create our own agency. They provide a lot of support for setting up an agency, including people to assist you while you're building your agency.” This support includes mentorship and operational assistance, ensuring that new franchise owners are well-equipped to succeed.

A financial leader’s vision for the future


Jhovy Tungcul’s journey embodies the transformative power of a career in financial advising. Her story is not just about personal success but also about the broader impact on her community and family. As she puts it, “I hope that someday 100 percent of people in the Philippines will be insured, even if it's just one policy per Filipino. That's one of my dreams.” This vision for universal insurance coverage highlights the broader mission of improving financial security for all Filipinos.

To achieve this vision, Jhovy believes in the need for more dedicated financial advisors who are passionate about their work and committed to making a difference. “We need more people, leaders, to secure fellow Filipinos. We need people with the same heart as ours to change Filipinos’ lives while also changing your own life.” Her call to action underscores the importance of aligning personal and professional goals with the broader mission of societal improvement.

Pru Life UK is just one that gives hope and opportunities in the insurance industry. Comprehensive training, 360-degree support, and commitment to holistic development-each of these enables Pru Life UK's financial leaders not only to pursue advancing the economic welfare of millions of Filipinos but also to pursue success for themselves. Jhovy Tungcul's story is but one of many examples of how a career with purpose will take her deeper and create a long-lasting effect in the financial industry.