FASHION PULIS: Super-secret break up

Subtle rumors are making their way into social circles. A popular couple allegedly called it quits. The supposed separation would be devastating to their reputation. They are known for being so much in love, with their story likened to a “you and me against the world” situation.  

Partner 1 (P1) moves in various circles. Over the years, P1 built his reputation and endearment by being present in most social events. Showbiz took him in and he found his own space amidst all the handsome actors and production teams. He had his own unique thing. P1 shied away from being matched with female celebrities, preferring them to be part of his own group. 

Then, P1 surprised the public when he found The Love (TL) of his life. P1 and TL kept a low profile though. While P1’s world is colorful, given the intrigues in showbiz, TL moves in a different world. P1 is already used to all the faces in his world, but TL might have found his partner’s world quite unfamiliar. 


When the two opened up on their relationship in front of peers and family, no objections were made. The two looked happy. Friends of P1 wished them well, knowing that P1 finally found the love of his life. Forever seemed real.

Alas, it didn’t last. 

Was the seven-year itch true? Allegedly, someone in the relationship thought he could get away with infidelity.

‘Nothing lasts forever, but we always try, and I just can’t help but wonder why we let it pass us by.’ — Amanda Marshall

Her hold

Older generations often criticize young celebrities who behave in a manner contrary to conservative beliefs. 

They believe the youth should always conform to tradition, such as obeying their elders and not answering back especially in public or in social media. 

Moreover, elders think the young generation should follow their teachings without complaint and stress that, as the older ones, they know better.

While some families still follow these, modern times have shown a shift. These days, the younger ones are outspoken and act like they are on equal footing with the older generation. 

Pretty Lass (PL) was seen enjoying the company of Male Companion (MC) in an event with other people. Though not a couple, observers were puzzled as the two behaved like they were. They were touchy-feely and seemed to be very comfortable with one another. 

In another incident, PL stayed in the home of a boyfriend for a few days. While the staycation was okay for most, the older people in the boyfriend’s life were not happy about it.

In contrast, PL’s elders are only seemingly too eager to tolerate her behavior. As the family’s breadwinner, PL seemed to have been extended a certain degree of freedom. The fear of earning PL’s ire might lead to the elders losing financial support. PL is of age already and can drop them if they nag her over the issue.

‘You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.’ — Maya Angelou

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