How to create a stress-free environment for your anxious pet

Calming your fur baby

At a glance

  • Studies have shown that having their own sleeping space alleviates feelings of separation anxiety in many pets.


STRESS-FREE FURBABY Watching the body language of our fur babies can help determine if they are feeling any form of discomfort (Photo Freepik)

There are many helpful methods we can adopt to create a stress-free environment for anxious pets. The use of anxiety aids, including calming sprays, aromatherapy diffusers, classical music, and movements, all help to reduce your pet’s stress and anxiety levels. 
These alternative methods of providing a stress-free environment for anxious pets go hand in hand with scientific studies to help calm your anxious pets. 
Keep reading to discover some of the best methods you can try to help your anxious pet relax and feel calmer.

đŸŸThe first step is understanding that our pets are just like us. They also suffer from anxiety and stress.  Instead of scolding them for misbehavior or not conforming to your expectations, you must develop a way to calm them down and help them relax. 
It could be by giving them their space away from the rest of the family to feel safer and more comfortable. 
If your furry friend has separation anxiety, it’s usually a good idea to provide them with a bed to snuggle up in and have some time to themselves. It creates a safe territory where they can return to, hide, or just mind their business.
Studies have shown that having their own sleeping space alleviates feelings of separation anxiety in many pets.

🐕The second step is to find out which helpful tool or aid is compatible with your pet’s needs. For example, diffusers with scented oils work for most pets. But it does not mean it will work for every dog just because it works for one. Determine whether your pet is allergic to sprays or not. 
Avoid aiming calming sprays directly at your dog’s face. Try spraying on its peripheries first, if possible. When deciding on a calming vest or a calming collar, it is always good to check whether the material is hypo-allergenic, non-wicking, lightweight—anything that does not cause skin irritations or blisters. The material or fabric matters because it touches your pet’s skin. It will wear the calming vest for at least 20 minutes to an hour.

đŸ¶ The third step is to create a classical music playlist for your pet. Classical music slows down the brain waves in a human being, creating a calm and relaxing effect for the rest of the body. The stress levels decrease, the racing mind becomes even-keeled, and the breathing is more relaxed. If humans can be affected by classical music this way, imagine how it can affect pets. Some known classical music compositions that lower stress hormones were composed by Mozart and Bach. You can play your pet’s playlist during their time for a nap or when you need them to start slowing down to get ready for bedtime.

đŸ§©Another thing you can do is provide plenty of mental stimulation to keep them occupied when they are alone. Silicon puzzles, textured non-tear toy products, and rope toys—these are some of the mentally stimulating games your pet can play. Puzzle ideas help them to focus on a task. Textured toys help them develop different physical sensations, which they can chew, bite, or toss the items as they enjoy.