Catholic Churches now collecting palm fronds for Ash Wednesday

With the upcoming observance of the 40-day season of Lent, Catholic Churches in different parts of the country have started collecting old blessed palm fronds (palaspas) from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration in preparation for the solemn observance of Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14

Palm Fronds (Photo courtesy of Catholic Online)


The solemn commemoration of Ash Wednesday, when church goers have their foreheads marked with a cross from the burnt palm fronds, signals the start of Lent, a time of renewal, prayer, abstinence and fasting, sacrifices, atonement for sins, and reflection.

The observance of the Holy Week, the culmination of the 40-day season of Lent, begins on March 24, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion.

Several churches have started accepting palm fronds since last week and have already collected dozens of the blessed palm leaves, a parish official said.

More popularly known as “palaspas,” the palm fronds are traditionally displayed on altars at home or placed on doors and window sills by the faithful in the belief that “the right hand of God will bless and protect those who dwell in the house from all adversities.”

The burning of palms is traditionally done in churches Tuesday afternoon. Four ancient prayers are recited during the burning of the ashes, which are sprinkled with Holy Water and fumigated with incense. 

The blessed ashes mixed with a little oil are used to mark the sign of the cross on the foreheads of churchgoers on Ash Wednesday with the reminder that “Thou art dust and unto dust thou shall return” and to “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”

With the return of live masses and less restrictions in churches, more parishioners are expected to attend the Ash Wednesday service this year. 

Church officials encourage the faithful to avail of the sacrament of confession particularly in the coming observance of Lent to be spiritually prepared for the Holy Week.