'No orders' from Romualdez to collect signatures for People's Initiative


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    IMG-a3ea482b22d53a0b310e0231f317a046-V.jpgHouse Speaker Martin Romualdez (PPAB)






    Speaker Martin Romualdez has denied giving out any order for House members to collect signatures for the purpose of a People's Initiative (PI). 

    "No orders," Romualdez told reporters in a short ambush interview Monday afternoon, Jan. 22 after he led the launch of CongressTV at the House of Representatives in Batasan Complex, Quezon City. 

    This was the first time that the House leader had personally denied any hand in the signature campaign taking place all over the country. 

    Romualdez, Leyte’s 1st district representative, also reacted to the claim of Senator Ronald "Bato" dela Rosa that a House member or congressman had told the latter that the signature drive was upon the Speaker’s instruction. 

    "I dont know what he's (Dela Rosa) talking about. He does not mention any congressman...so I dont respond to...," the House leader said before he was cut off. 



    Monday also coincided with the return of sessions in Congress after a five-week holiday break. 

    The purpose of the PI is to introduce amendments to the 1987 Constitution.