Teodoro: Rule of law must prevail in West Philippine Sea

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Department of National Defense (DND) Sec. Gilberto Teodoro Jr. poses with members of the Philippine Bar Association (PBA) during their 132nd Foundation Day and Law Day Celebration in Makati City. (Photo: DND)

Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. called on the legal community to uphold the rule of law amid global geopolitical tensions in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

Speaking at the recent Philippine Bar Association’s (PBA) 132nd Foundation Day and Law Day Celebration in Makati City, Teodoro underscored the importance of standing up for what is right and adhering to the rule of law, particularly referring to the ongoing maritime tension between the Philippines and China in the Indo-Pacific region.

“Can the rule of law prevail over a bully? My answer is that it must. It must, because if a greater force prevails without any legal foundation, it becomes a bigger bully,” Teodoro said.

The defense chief called for the development of a “dedicated cadre” of international public law advocates “who can elevate the Philippines’ presence in international legal arenas” as he emphasized the vital role of the legal community in defending the country’s maritime claims in the WPS.

“We need to produce a dedicated cadre of international public law advocates with gravitas and credibility in the international sphere,” he stated. 

“We have the law on our side, but the battleground is for other countries to help us recognize our rights. Hence, one of the foundational principles of the Marcos administration is defense alliances and collective action by like-minded countries,” he added.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, including the WPS, a section within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Philippines.

This, despite an arbitral ruling in 2016 which invalidated Beijing’s dash-line claims in the SCS.

Working with allies

Relatedly, the DND said it continues to work with its allies such as India, Singapore, and the United States to accommodate the evolving needs of the defense sector.

DND Senior Undersecretary Irineo C. Espino met with India Minister of Defence Secretary Shri Giridhar Aramane for the 5th Joint Defense Cooperation Committee (JDCC) Meeting held in Makati City.

The meeting provided an opportunity for the two defense sectors to “exchange views on issues of mutual interest, review the progress of defense and military relations, and look ahead to deeper and more meaningful cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral levels.”

Espino and Aramane committed to strengthen the two countries’ defense cooperation towards the common objective of upholding a “rules-based, stable, and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region while ensuring freedom of navigation and other peaceful uses of the seas in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) remain at the core.

They also reaffirmed Manila and New Delhi’s mutual commitment to the 2006 Philippines-India Agreement Concerning Defense Cooperation, and to further contribute to the 75 years of staunch diplomatic relations between the two countries. 

The DND said it welcomed broadening engagements with India in areas such as cyber security, space-based and emerging technologies, climate change mitigation, and military medicine.

“Considering that the Philippines and India are maritime nations with clear stake at preserving good order at sea, Senior Undersecretary Espino further welcomed the prospect of greater cooperation with India in maritime domain awareness and exploring collaboration in hydrography,” the DND said.

For his part, Aramane spoke of Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), which is India's policy or doctrine of maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean region which extends to Southeast Asia.

HADR exercise with Singapore

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recently concluded a tabletop exercise with the Singapore Armed Force's Changi Regional Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Coordination Centre (RHCC) in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City to strengthen coordination and enhance interoperability during Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations.

The exercise focused on key objectives including fostering stronger relationships between the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the AFP, improving joint HADR operations, and promoting the OPERA v2 Computer Information System (CIS) – a common platform for effective information sharing and Civil-Military coordination in an HADR operation – as a vital platform for information sharing and planning. 

Aircraft maintenance SMEE with Hawaii

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) also collaborated with the Hawaii Army National Guard (HING) to enhance aircraft maintenance capabilities through a Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) at Brigadier General Benito N. Ebuen Air Base (BGBNEAB) in Mactan, Cebu.

Thirty-five PAF personnel from the 205th Tactical Helicopter Wing engaged with personnel from the HING in various discussions and practical demonstrations on aircraft maintenance.

“These activities focused on enhancing the knowledge and skills required to perform effective maintenance procedures and ensure the operational readiness of aircraft. Topics covered included general maintenance practices, component inspection, and the use of specialized tools and equipment necessary for efficient aircraft servicing and upkeep,” PAF spokesperson Col. Ma. Consuelo Castillo said.