He stepped forward and touched the coffin


Gird your loins

Gospel • Luke 7:11-17

A biblical scholar once confessed how he searched the Gospels in trying hard to find a funeral sermon by Jesus. In the end, he gave up, saying he found none because at every instance, Jesus tried to “raise up the dead”! And so also in this Gospel episode. 

Jesus is passing by the town of Nain. He meets a large crowd in mourning. The people are accompanying the funeral of a young man, the only son of a widowed mother. Jesus is deeply touched. His compassion leads him to console the woman, “Do not weep” (v 13). And his concern is then converted to action as he touches the open coffin and commands the dead man, “Young man, I tell you, arise!” (v 14). 

Pope Francis, in his message to the young people in Panama during the World Youth Day 2020, comments on this passage: “Jesus stops the funeral procession. He draws near, he demonstrates his closeness. Closeness thus turns into a courageous act of restoring life to another.  A prophetic gesture. The touch of Jesus, the living One, communicates life. It is a touch that pours the Holy Spirit into the dead body of that young man and brings him back to life… The effectiveness of this gesture of Jesus is incalculable. It reminds us that even one sign of closeness, simple yet concrete, can awaken forces of resurrection.” 

Can you think of some persons going through some “life-less situations?” Would you like to bring them to Jesus now so that he can touch them and restore them to life?

Source: “366 Days with the Lord 2024,” St. Paul’s, 7708 St. Paul Rd., SAV, Makati City (Phils.); Tel.: 632-895-9701; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: http://www.stpauls.ph.