DOLE welcomes Senate's ratification of ILO C81

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has welcomed the Senate’s ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 81, saying it is a crucial advancement in the nation’s labor law enforcement efforts.

DOLE Secretary Bienvenido E. Laguesma commended the Senate's decision, noting its potential to boost the efficiency, consistency, and transparency of labor inspections nationwide.

“The ratification of ILO Convention No. 81 is a critical development for DOLE,” Laguesma said.

He added that this move aligns with the goals outlined in the Philippine Labor and Employment Plan 2023-2028, which seeks to incorporate international labor standards into domestic practices and bolster the enforcement of labor laws.

By refining labor inspection services and enhancing the capacity of labor inspectors, the convention is poised to significantly improve compliance with labor laws and protect workers’ rights.

Broad support for the move has been evident, including from the Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (TIPC), which underscored the need for robust labor inspection measures in Resolution No. 1, series of 2021.

With Senate approval now secured, the ratification document will proceed to the Office of the President before being forwarded to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

It will then be transmitted to the ILO Director-General,  which will officially commit the Philippines to uphold international labor standards.