Gabriela takes up cudgels for BINI amid spread of exploitative, deepfake videos

At a glance

  • Gabriela Party-list "vehemently condemned" on Tuesday, Sept. 3 what it described as the "malicious use of deepfake technology" against the P-pop girl group BINI.









Gabriela Party-list "vehemently condemned" on Tuesday, Sept. 3 what it described as the "malicious use of deepfake technology" against the P-pop girl group BINI. 

This has resulted to the "circulation of AI-generated sexually exploitative" photos and videos of the group members on various social media platforms, said Gabriela legislative consultant and former Kabataan Party-list Rep. Sarah Elago. 

"These vile acts of online violence against women, shared within Telegram chat groups and across social media, remind us of the pervasive threats young women face in the digital age, which remain unchecked in virtual spaces," Elago said. 

"The emergence of mobile applications capable of generating hyper-realistic simulations from real photos poses severe threats to privacy and safety," she noted. 

"In light of these developments, we reiterate the urgency of House Resolution (HB) No.1632, aimed at investigating the rising cases of gender-based violence (GBV) exacerbated by AI (artificial intelligence) and other technological advancements, especially when existing laws are inadequate in addressing these modern forms of abuse and exploitation," Elago stressed. 

She said that pro-women group Gabriela "stand[s] in solidarity with BINI and all those victimized by such acts". 

"As the sole women's party in Congress, we vow to push for a review, as well as the creation of legislation that effectively tackles these technological abuses and ensures justice for all victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse," Elago further said.

BINI is known for their hit songs "Pantropiko" and "Salamin, salamin".