Peace Month @20: Bagong Pilipinas - Transforming Minds, Transforming Lives



Every September, Filipinos from all walks of life come together to commemorate National Peace Consciousness Month. This occasion isn’t just an ordinary celebration. It is a reminder of the transformative power of peace.

The theme for this year is "Peace Month @20: Bagong Pilipinas - Transforming Minds, Transforming Lives." This captures the very essence of what peacebuilding truly means to us as a people under the principles of Bagong Pilipinas of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. It's a process that begins in our minds and then ripples out to change the lives of individuals, their communities — and ultimately, our nation.

At the heart of Peace Month is the belief that peace is not just the absence of conflict. It is the presence of understanding, compassion, and shared responsibility across all sectors of society. 

Over 20 years since the signing of Proclamation No. 675, the annual celebration has shaped the nation's peace landscape by increasing Filipinos' awareness and understanding of the comprehensive peace process. They have gained a better appreciation of peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peacebuilding. 

But having this sense of awareness is not enough. The signing of peace agreements is just the beginning. What comes after is the challenging part, and that is, building on and sustaining the gains of peace. This is why there is a need for greater engagement.  We must empower individuals to take ownership of peace in their communities, and the institutionalization of peace-building efforts. This year’s theme emphasizes that transformation is a collective responsibility. Peace starts with changing how we think and shifting our mindset from division to unity, from mistrust to cooperation.  When we transform our minds, the transformation in our lives will soon follow.

As a lead agency for the peace month, the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity (OPAPRU) has spearheaded initiatives to realize this envisioned transformation. The peace agency has demonstrated and communicated the national government’s commitment to peace. 

The peace month symbolically commences with the ringing of the Peace Bell and candle-lighting ceremonies. They are calls to action, reminding everyone that they have a stake in this collective effort.

Among the most inspiring features of Peace Month is giving recognition to our nation’s peace builders or Gawad Kapayapaan. By honoring these individuals and organizations who are helping to lay the foundations of peace, we are highlighting the power of owning one’s peace and fostering it. These peace champions have shown us that transforming minds and lives is not only possible but is already happening. Their stories of hope, strength, and determination have encouraged others to follow their example and become actively involved.

Peace Month is also the time when we rally for increased institutional support for our peace interventions. We call upon other line agencies and partner institutions to align their policies and programs with the national government’s broader peace agenda. This underscores our whole-of-nation approach wherein all our peacebuilding efforts are cohesive and integrated. This holistic approach is critical for the long-term success of our peace initiatives, as it provides the structure and generates much-needed resources to maintain our momentum.

The observance of Peace Month shows the Philippines’ full unwavering support to international peacebuilding efforts. It coincides with the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21, which aims to foster a sense of global solidarity. This connection to the broader international peace movement reinforces the Philippines’ commitment to peace and opens doors for increased collaboration with other nations and organizations. It reminds us that peace is a global endeavor that requires a common vision, collective action, and a shared responsibility.

Peace Month also serves as a constant reminder of the historical struggles for peace in the Philippines such as the ones fought by our Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) brothers and sisters. This year, the country will be celebrating the 28th anniversary of the signing of the Final Peace Agreement forged between the Government of the Philippines and MNLF on Sept. 2, 1996.

For years, the MNLF has been a peace partner with the government in shaping the quest for a just and lasting peace in the Bangsamoro. 

By increasing awareness, fostering community engagement, and strengthening support from all sectors of society, National Peace and Consciousness Month is a clarion call for all Filipinos to be instruments of peace, unity, and reconciliation in our beloved country. This year’s theme, "Transforming Minds, Transforming Lives," beckons us to change the way we think. For in doing so, we positively change our lives and consequently, those around us. It is in this transformation we can realize a more peaceful, progressive, and prosperous future for all.

A happy National Peace Consciousness Month to all!


(Secretary Carlito G. Galvez, Jr., is the presidential adviser on peace, reconciliation and unity.)