Key government leaders, ambassadors to join biggest West Philippine Sea conference of 2024

Top government leaders, ambassadors, and experts will meet in Makati City on Friday, July 12, for the biggest West Philippine Sea Conference this year, a gathering that will also celebrate the 8th anniversary of the Arbitral ruling that dismissed China’s expansive claims  in the South China Sea. 

The event is organized by the Stratbase ADR Institute, in partnership with the Australian Embassy in the Philippines and the US  Embassy in the Philippines and is expected to be attended by the ambassadors of the United States, Australia, Canada, France, and Japan to the  Philippines.

The National Security Council, top military officials from the Philippine Navy, Philippine Air Force,  Philippine Coast Guard, and the Presidential Office for Maritime Concerns are also expected to speak during the  event. 

Stratbase Institute President Professor Dindo Manhit said the conference is timely in light of the continuous aggressive and coercive actions  of China in the West Philippine Sea. 

“It is very timely to discuss and exchange views on the strategic value of the 
arbitral tribunal ruling, especially in maintaining a rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific,” said Manhit.

“The Arbitral Award accorded to the Philippines by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2016 underscored the  importance of the rules-based international order. It brought to the forefront of global discussions the efforts of the  Philippines to defend its national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and economic rights in the West Philippine Sea,”  Manhit explained. 

Manhit emphasized that it is of utmost importance that Filipinos come together and strengthen the country’s sovereignty in the area. 

“Confronted with asymmetric security challenges, the Philippines remains steadfast in its stance, employing a whole of-society approach to asserting its rights in the West Philippine Sea. The current administration's firm  pronouncements are complemented by the military's efforts to boost external defense capabilities through the  Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept,” Manhit said. 

“Moreover, civil society plays an active role through civilian missions in the West Philippine Sea and an assertive  transparency strategy, publicizing incidents that undermine the rules-based international order,” he added.

The Stratbase President also noted the significance of having like-minded partners stand beside the Philippines in  upholding the rules-based international order in the West Philippine Sea. 

“The firm stance and concrete steps taken by the Philippines to safeguard its rights has inspired renewed confidence  in the international community. Like-minded partners such as the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, France,  and the European Union among others continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder as part of collective efforts to ensure  security, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific,” Manhit said.

“The Arbitral Award serves as a reminder of the Philippines’ victory in upholding its sovereign rights and the enduring strength of the rules-based international order. Underscoring the ongoing challenges and the need for sustained  vigilance and collective action, renewing the shared commitment to maritime security among all participants forges  stronger partnerships in exploring innovative strategies to safeguard common interests in the Indo-Pacific,” he  pointed out.