2 SC justices pay tribute to graduates who finished 4-year law degree during Covid-19 pandemic

Two Supreme Court (SC) associate justices paid tribute to this year’s law graduates who “faced many obstacles, including the Covid-19 pandemic,” in obtaining their four-year law degree.

Associate Justice Samuel H. Gaerlan told law graduates of the Isabela State University (SLU) College of Law: “You made a choice to begin something big when no one else would dare to; you entered law school at a time when everything was put to a halt because Covid-19.”

He also said: “You pushed yourselves out of your comfort zones, explored uncharted territories, navigated the unknown, and embraced the uncertainty. You pursued, persevered, powered through, and delivered.”

“For that, I admire your courage, applaud your tenacity, as well as commend your passion and determination,” he added. 

Associate Justice Antonio T. Kho Jr., in his speech before the law graduates of the Arellano University School of Law at the Fiesta Pavilion of the Manila Hotel, said: “Your first classes were done online, and you have had to be creative in learning in a new medium. Because of that, you are already battled-tested and have become fighters. You have fought, you have struggled, you have fallen, you have risen and you have triumphed. That is inspiring.”

He also told the law graduates: “For today, you are all victors. You are the chiefs of your own destiny. And by your grit, your courage, and sheer determination, you have willed your narrative into this final epic conclusion.”

As of last April, a total of 12,246 law graduates had registered for the 2024 online Bar examinations that will be administered by the SC on Sept. 8, 11, and 15 in various testing centers nationwide.

Just like in the 2023 examinations, there will be six core subjects in the 2024 Bar exams -- Political and Public International Law, Commercial and Taxation Laws, Civil Law, Labor Law and Social Legislation, Criminal Law, Remedial Law, and Legal and Judicial Ethics with Practical Exercises.

Chairperson of the SC’s Committee on 2024 Bar Exams is Associate Justice Mario V. Lopez.

A total of 3,812 or 36.77 percent of the 10,387 examinees passed the 2023 online Bar examinations. 

Also, in his speech before ISU law graduates, Justice Gaerlan said that graduating from law school “is not the finish line, not the final destination.”

He urged law graduates to uphold their convictions and stand resolute as they prepare to navigate the complexities of the world beyond academia.

He also implored them “to remain steadfast in the face of adversity and to stay true to their moral compass, reminding them that they will encounter trials that will test their beliefs, tempt their resolve, and shake their moral ideals to the core.”

Justice Kho, on the other hand, shared his “three short and succinct advice” to law graduates. He said: “Kindness is key; honor your word; and open your heart.”

He said that kindness “will not only help in building trust, but it will set you apart as a person of integrity.” He added that “it takes courage to be kind in a world, especially today’s world, that often rewards aggression and hostility.”

He reminded law graduates that their word “is their bond in the legal world.” “Uphold your commitments and never compromise your integrity for anything” as he pointed out that “the reputation they will build will follow them throughout their legal career.”

He also said: “An open heart is a catalyst for inclusivity which in turn promotes justice and equity. It allows you to see beyond the rigid letters of the law and see the human stories that are encapsulated in every case. An open heart gives you the capacity to make decisions that are just, fair, and equitable.”