Papal Nuncio invites faithful to join Pope’s Day Mass on June 29

Papal Nuncio Archbishop Charles John Brown is inviting the faithful to join the Pope’s Day Mass at the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros, Manila on Saturday, June 29.

Pope Francis/ Catholic News Agency 

The Papal envoy said Pope’s Day, which coincides with the observance of the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, highlights the need to pray for the Holy Father in his huge role as the successor of St. Peter in the Roman Catholic Church.

“It’s a moment in which we remember the role of the Holy Father, the successor of Peter in the church today. I would like to invite you to come and join the mass in Manila Cathedral and enjoy all the spiritual benefits of the said celebration,” said Archbishop Brown in a Radio Veritas post on Thursday, June 27.

The Papal Nuncio will preside over the Eucharistic celebration at 6 p.m. with Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula as co celebrant.

Pope’s Day is an annual celebration of the Catholic Church which coincides with the feast of the Pillars of the Catholic religion- Saints Peter and Paul. Church rites will include prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father.

“The observance of Pope’s Day in celebration of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul seeks to intensify the faithful’s understanding of the Church’s teachings and to have full appreciation of the spiritual leadership of the Catholic Church’s leader and Vicar of Christ,” Church officials said.

Saint Peter was the first Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, while Saint Paul is considered to this day as the greatest missionary of all time.