Pushkin poetry reading celebrates Russian-Philippine ties and literary legacy

On June 6, 2024, a poetic celebration of cultural diplomacy and literary heritage took place at the Pushkin Monument in Mehan Garden, Manila. The Pushkin Poetry Reading event marked the 225th birthday of Russia’s national poet, Alexander Pushkin, and Russian Language Day. The event was graced by the presence of Russian Ambassador to the Philippines Marat Ignatyevich Pavlov, who attended with his family, adding a touch of diplomatic prestige to the festivities.

Ambassador Marat Ignatyevich Pavlov of the Russian Embassy, Senator Aquilino ‘Koko’ Pimentel, former Education Secretary Leonor Briones, and Honorary Consul of Belarus Annette Ablan with VIP guests

The event began with a solemn wreath-laying ceremony, followed by a series of keynote addresses from distinguished guests, including Dr. Felma Tria, president of Universidad de Manila, Hon. Ka Caloy Tabunda Jr. of New Era University, and Ambassador Pavlov himself. Messages of support from former Secretary of Education Leonor Briones, and Senate Minority Leader Senator Aquilino Martin de la Llana “Koko” Pimentel III underscored the importance of cultural diplomacy and the enduring ties between the two nations.

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Ambassador Marat Ignatyevich Pavlov of the Russian Embassy

Ambassador Pavlov delivered a powerful and evocative speech, emphasizing the profound significance of the day. He stated that June 6 is a special day for both Russia and the global community, marking the birthday of the illustrious Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. Pavlov highlighted that the designation of this date as Russian Language Day was far from coincidental, as Pushkin’s name has become synonymous with Russian literature and a source of national pride. He eloquently articulated how Pushkin not only unveiled the richness and beauty of the Russian language but also imparted enduring values and ideals that resonate deeply within the hearts of the Russian people and admirers worldwide.

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Senator Aquilino ‘Koko’ Pimentel

Looking on the global appreciation of Pushkin’s work, Pavlov remarked
that the great poet is remembered abroad despite attempts by some countries to restrict the spread of the Russian language. He noted that the Russian language continues to unite people of different nationalities and cultures, opening opportunities for mutual understanding and respect.

The program featured a touching Pushkin Poetry Reading by members of the Filipinos in the former Soviet Republics Inc (FFSRI), showcasing the timeless appeal of Pushkin’s work. The event was further enlivened by rich cultural performances from the New Era University Glee Club, JNJ Dance Troupe, and FFSRI members, each adding their unique flair to the celebration.

The event concluded with sense of unity between the Philippines and Russia. The celebration of Pushkin’s legacy, intertwined with the commemoration of diplomatic relations, highlighted the enduring power of cultural and literary exchanges in fostering international friendship and understanding.