‘Tax-Paid Vapes?’: Look for 'Tamaraw' stamp—BIR

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is urging consumers to verify the presence of a specific "Tamaraw" tax stamp on vape products before making a purchase. 

In a recent social media post, BIR Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui Jr. detailed the importance of distinguishing between tax-paid and illicit vape items in the market.


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Lumagui said that all vapor products must bear a 4th Generation Internal Revenue Stamp (Philippine Tamaraw).

READ: BIR mandates tax stamps on vape products starting June

The tax stamp should be securely affixed to the product packaging, such as boxes or bottles, to prevent tampering.

Additionally, he said that it is necessary to enclose the stamps in cellophane or a transparent wrapper for additional security.

To maintain the stamp's integrity, Lumagui added that vape packaging must have only one opening at the top, ensuring that the stamp remains intact and tamper-proof.

Consumers were strongly advised to exercise caution and avoid purchasing vapes lacking the required stamp or those with damaged stamps, Lumagui said.

“Do not buy vapes without a stamp or with a damaged stamp and immediately report those who sell them,” the BIR chief concluded.