‘A new era’: Speaker leads unveiling of smart campus program in Romblon

At a glance

  • House Speaker Martin Romualdez has led the inauguration of Romblon State University’s (RSU) University Information System (UIS), which aims to streamline university processes, automate tasks, and enhance data security measures.

Romualdez Romblon.jpgHouse Speaker Martin Romualdez during the commencement exercises at Romblon State University (Speaker's Office)








House Speaker Martin Romualdez has led the inauguration of Romblon State University’s (RSU) University Information System (UIS), which aims to streamline university processes, automate tasks, and enhance data security measures.

Also known as the smart campus program, the university portal intends to be a key component in RSU’s ongoing efforts to modernize its Information and Communications Technology (ICT) capabilities.

“This project signifies a new era of smart campus in Romblon and will revolutionize the way information is managed and shared within the university,” Romualdez said in a statement Thursday, June 6.

“Through the campus portal, we will promote engagement and collaboration among RSU community members, creating a conducive learning environment for all,” he continued.

The Speaker was joined by the House Committee on Appropriations chairperson and Ako Bicol party-list Rep. Elizaldy Co, Romblon lone district Rep. Eleandro Jesus Madrona, and RSU President Merian Catajay-Mani during the inauguration.

Romualdez says that through leveraging technology and innovation, RSU will help cultivate “future-ready students” who can excel in the digital world and contribute to academic excellence and creativity.

“These initiatives will set RSU apart as a unique institution in the region and beyond,” he said.

The House leader also participated in the university’s commencement exercises as its guest speaker.

In his speech, Romualdez urged the graduates to take an active role in nation-building as well as in shaping the future of not only Romblon but the Philippines as a whole.

“Your education and experiences here at [RSU] have equipped you with the tools and knowledge to make a meaningful impact in our society. Let us work together towards creating a better and brighter future for our nation,” the Leyte 1st district representative shared.

“As you embark on your next chapter, remember the values and skills instilled in you by RSU. Use them to make a difference in your communities and strive for excellence in everything you do,” he added.

Romualdez also told graduates that their respective futures were promising, and expressed full confidence that each of them will make a significant impact in the world.

“You are only at the beginning of an education that lasts a lifetime — and RSU has given you the skills and values that will be with you to succeed where others cannot,” he stressed.

In closing, the Speaker congratulated the graduates and praised the faculty, staff, and administrators of RSU for their dedication to excellence.

“You have built a strong institution and enduring legacy upon which our future rests, and I am more bullish than ever on what is yet to come for your beloved State University,” said Romualdez.