MMDA defers strict e-bikes, e-trikes ban on major Metro Manila roads for another week

Riders of e-bikes, e-trikes and other similar light vehicles will get a week-long reprieve from strict implementation of the ban to travel along major thoroughfares in Metro Manila.

This, after the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) announced on Monday, May 20, that its enforcers will still be prohibited from either issuing traffic violations or impounding the light e-vehicles this week. 

MMDA enforcers are supposed to start the strict implementation of the policy after the grace period granted by President Marcos lapsed on May 18.

“We will still be not issuing violation tickets this week but we reiterate that they are still prohibited on major roads,” said Artes in a press briefing on Monday.

“This one-week extension will allow owners and drivers of e-bikes, e-trikes, and other similar light vehicles to comply with either registration or getting a driver’s license,” he added.

Under the policy, riders of e-bikes, e-trikes and other similar light vehicles who do not have a driver’s license will be issued with citation tickets if they are caught travelling along major roads in Metro Manila.

The same rule applies if they have a driver’s license but their light e-vehicles do not have registration papers from the Land Transportation Office. 

The absence of both the vehicle registration and the driver’s license, however, will result in the impoundment once the regulation will be implemented again Monday next week.

The rule applies to e-bikes and e-trikes, as well as tricycles, pedicabs, pushcarts, and kuliglig..

Following the grace period announced by Marcos, vehicles impounded last month during the first day of the implementation were released and violators do not need to pay the fines.

Artes said they will still spend this week on information drive with the help of the local government units (LGUs).