Sandigan resolves appeal of village chairman, treasurer in Baguio City

While the Sandiganbayan acquitted the barangay (village) chairman of Camp 7 in Baguio City of falsification of public documents in the preparation of list of recipients of goods distributed to residents, the conviction of his treasurer was affirmed.

Acquitted was Barangay Chairman Constancio Faustino Danao. Affirmed was the conviction of Barangay Treasurer Romel H. Beltran.  Both of them had been convicted by the Baguio City regional trial court (RTC) and sentenced to a prison term ranging from four to eight years with a fine of P2,500 each.

They both appealed before the anti-graft the judgment of conviction.  Danao’s appeal was granted.  Beltran’s plea was denied.

In the preparation of list of recipients for goods, the prosecution alleged that the two barangay officials made it appear that four individuals received rubber boots, raincoats, hard hats, t-shirts, and vests purchased from J&J Tools and General Merchandise in December 2015 although they did not get the goods.

The anti-graft court said that Beltran indeed took advantage of his official position by including the List of Recipients submitted to the City Accounting Office.

On the other hand, the court said Danao's participation as chairman was limited to affixing his signature in the transmittal letter and the Punong Barangay Certification. While he was an accountable officer for the Disaster Preparedness Equipment, which is government property, the court said Danao was not tasked to prepare the List of Recipients, it said.

At the same time, the Sandiganbayan said the existence of conspiracy between Danao and Beltran has not been fully established by the prosecution, so the culpability of each of the accused is not the same.

"Accused-appellant Beltran prepared and submitted the List of Recipients, while accused-appellant Danao merely noted the Transmittal Letter, and executed the Punong Barangay Certification which only states that checks were issued by Barangay Camp 7, Baguio City in favor of J&J Tools and General Merchandise," the court said.

"Therefore, there can be no conspiracy between accused-appellants. Only accused-appellant Beltran committed falsification.... The same cannot be said as regards accused-appellant Danao," it ruled.