Cebu hosts UNTO Joint Commission Forum

CEBU CITY – The province of Cebu will host the United Nations Tourism Organization (UNTO) Joint Commission Forum with delegates coming from at least 30 UNTO-member countries across Asia and the Pacific expected to attend.


Slated June 26 to 28, some 300 delegates from Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Laos, Vietnam, and Spain, among others, will participate in the 36th Joint Meeting of the UN Tourism Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and the UN Tourism Commission for South Asia.

The historic first UN Tourism Regional Forum on Gastronomy Tourism for Asia and the Pacific will also be held during those dates.

The Philippines earned the right to host this year’s UNTO fora after Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco was elected as Vice President of the 25th General Assembly of UNTO and chairperson of the UNTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific.

“It will bring together destinations and international experts to exchange knowledge and best practices, with the objective of harnessing its transformative power, especially for the benefit of local communities and the environment,” the UNTO said.

The provincial government led by Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia has also prepared a technical tour for UNTO delegates in three of Cebu’s top tourist destinations.

On June 27, the technical tour will have one group indulge in an island tour at the Camotes Group of Islands while another group will explore Dalaguete and Argao’s heritage tourism. The third group will head to Aloguinsan for an eco-tour of Hermit’s Cove and Bojo River Cruise.

In a coordination meeting at the Capitol on June 21, Garcia told the mayors of the local governments participating in the event that they will receive subsidies from the provincial government.

A Gala Night and Fashion Show will be held at the Capitol on June 27. The fashion show will showcase creations of renowned international designer Furne One Amato, who hails from the municipality of Barili.