Go and tell him his fault


Gird your loins

Matthew 18:15-20

One of the hardest things to do is to correct an erring brother or sister. We are afraid that he or she might react and get back at us.

Jesus teaches us how to do it. It is called fraternal correction. First, it should be done in private. Jesus is aware that if done in public right away, nothing will happen. Second, if the first attempt fails, we can ask help from two or three witnesses who have the same observation. Third, if the brother or sister does not still listen, we ask help from the church or community. When he or she does not still listen, then we give the ultimatum.

To protect the integrity of our community, or church, we must do fraternal corrections. No member is perfect, but he or she can be corrected if done properly.

Fraternal correction demands courage, right timing, right place, and right ambience. It must be done with love and delicadeza. We cannot build our community if we allow anybody to just habitually violate accepted rules and create trouble.

The purpose of fraternal correction is to be reconciled with those who offend us, and to be able to be reunited with them in prayer. 
In the First Reading, God warns the son of man (Ezekiel), appointed as watchman of the people Israel, that if he does not warn the wicked to stop doing his foolishness, he too will be punished. Both of them will die. If he does his job, he will not die, even if the wicked does not listen.

St. Paul in the Second Reading encourages the Christians in Rome to love one another. They can show their love for one another by keeping the Decalogue (Ten Commandments). When this is done, there is no need to correct one another.

Source: “365 Days with the Lord 2023.” E-mail: [email protected]; Website: http://www.stpauls.ph.