

alex eduque.jpeg

A week into turning 33, I have well had a few days to reflect on what I think this coming year will bring about, and what it will eventually come to mean to my life. Of course, these are simply conjectures and hypotheses based on the now. 

If there is anything the past few years have taught me, it is that well…  True to the famous saying that takes many shapes – “Life is what happens when we are busy making plans.” 

This coming year will definitely be one that will bring about a lot of change and adjustment. But what better way to face the only constant in life but by embracing it fully, and wholeheartedly. Although the idea can, and will always be daunting given the fact that we as human beings would much rather stay within the realms of comfort, and what we already know, the reality that we have had to face change in the most uncertain of situations, in what was perhaps one of the most adverse forms we will ever come to know it is rather comforting now. 

Knowing the capacity of our resilience, strength and flexibility is enough to get us going, and motivated. After all, if we cannot beat it, then we ride along with it. Life goes on, regardless, anyway. 

It will be a year that bestows some of the biggest of blessings. In that same regard, dare I say milestone year? A bit hesitant to use that term though given that the last time I did with life events as worthwhile, a pandemic struck and well… The milestones happened, just not as we had originally envisioned. 

Looking back today however, it was all undoubtedly in God’s plan, and in how He wanted it to be. To say the least, this coming year will be a memorable one. 

One that will unforgettable, and undoubtedly etched in my memory, and in my heart for the rest of my life. One that will bestow what is one of God’s greatest gifts in my life. 

And so as I brace myself for a year of change, as well as prepare myself for accepting a great blessing, I do so with a heart full of thanks. 

May I consciously make the effort to live a life with an attitude of gratitude to arm me amid whatever hiccups may come along the way. 

It is only with a positive mindset that we are able to see through the challenges, and maneuver through the twists and turns of this adventure called life. After all, that is exactly what happens when we start making other plans.