The network took a chance on a then newbie talent who had a certain privilege. Personal connections were thought be her advantage for her projects. While Network Talent (NT) was initially given a huge project for a beginner, she knew the pressure was on. NT realized that she had to prove she was not just in showbiz because of her connection. She needed to prove she deserved the break.
As time progressed, NT developed into one of the network’s reliable talents. However, NT seemed restless. After a few years, rumors of her wanting to get out the network would emerge. Some say that by hinting of moving, her camp employed a strategy to increase the network’s offer for her to stay. Stay she did and continued to enjoy roles that would be the envy of her contemporaries.
The partnership between NT and the network seemed strong. NT had her share of important roles.
As contract season is in the air, the rumor of NT moving is again resurfacing. Allegedly, NT is now seriously considering to get out of her present home. This time, it might not just be about money. NT can claim that she’s moving out for her growth as a talent. However, these days when financial stability might not be the priority, another reason is being associated with NT. She’s simply tired of the possibility of bumping into people who can ruin her day and well-being. Perhaps, within the next months, the decision of NT will be revealed.
'Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.' ― Roy T. Bennett
Feeling privileged
Sometime ago, Retired Talent (RT) opted to leave showbiz and find her true calling. She resurfaced later. As a former showbiz celebrity, her fans emerged, but her actions in social media were noticed.
Later, netizens realized the discrepancy between RT’s social media persona and her real self. Humility was an illusion apparently.
One day, in a healthcare facility, patients were waiting for their turn to see the doctor. Then, a group of men, who looked like security, entered. A VIP-looking man entered as well as a younger woman in the female only area. They then cut the line leaving the ordinary folks who have waited for hours in disbelief. Seeing RT use her ‘privilege’ made them think if she’s indeed sincere in what she says.
‘He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.’ — Aristotle
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