Heart Evangelista to Chiz Escudero: 'Did you ever think of just giving up on me, on us?'

In the topsy-turvy world of show business, relationships often crumble under the harsh glare of the spotlight.

Heart Evangelista and Chiz Escudero could've ended their relationship many times in the past but they have proved themselves resilient. 

This much they revealed in a recent episode of their "Adulting" series.

It offers a candid and heartfelt glimpse into their roller coaster ride – a journey filled with ups and downs, mistakes, and profound realizations.

The episode begins with Heart's emotional confession about how she realized she couldn't imagine life without Chiz.

Her raw declaration, "Mawala na lahat, wag ka lang," encapsulates the depth of her feelings and highlights the pivotal role Chiz plays in her life.

Heart describes her current state as "calmer," emphasizing that everything has been "wiped clean," and she believes that "everything happens for a reason."

Last year, the couple faced rumors of marital discord, which dominated headlines.

In the episode, Heart struggled to pinpoint exactly what went wrong in their relationship. Chiz, on the other hand, offered a valuable insight into the common human tendency to search for oneself when perhaps the answers were within us all along.

"Some people go through a phrase that they think they want to find themselves or they're actually searching for themselves when in fact they just had to look and see where they were standing before they started finding themselves," Chiz said when Heart reiterated that she should have listened to him.

Heart admits her vulnerability to outside influences and her role in shaping her own decisions, relating she did lose herself because she had "so many voices" in her life that she allowed to "mold" her a "certain way."

"And I'm not blaming them. I think I blame also myself because I'm gullible... I take all of the... I mean, I'm accountable. Is that the right word?"

Chiz wisely redefines accountability as "responsibility," reinforcing the idea that they're on this journey together.

Heart's admiration for Chiz's wisdom shines through as she acknowledges his role in her life. She reflects on her sheltered upbringing and how she needed to experience certain challenges to grow. In a touching moment, she realizes that Chiz was her guardian angel all along.

"I take all the responsibility. It was still me who pulled the trigger in the end, you know, so to speak. But they helped me a lot dig my grave. But all I can see is: Wow. I think I got married to like a King Solomon, full of wisdom. I did not expect that from you," was how she put it.

The seasoned actress-model then shared how she feels like she was "super duper nurtured and kept from a lot of things growing up."

"In a sense, also, you kind of shield me from certain things but I allowed certain things and so many, you know. And I feel like I really had to go through this chapter which I thought that I think I should have gone through it when I was in my 20s... but I don't think I would ever meet anybody like Chiz. Like sincerely, I hated you for the wrong reasons. I think I looked at you as the enemy when you were actually my guardian angel the whole time. But that's what's so beautiful about you is that you saw me for everything. But you were just so, like, steady. But I thought you were emotionless, honestly. But in the end, you're still here so, wow."

Heart vulnerably asked Chiz if he ever considered giving up on her and their relationship. In response, Chiz borrows Jason Mraz's song title, affirming his commitment to their marriage with "I Won't Give Up."


"Principally because of family," he said. "That grounded me too. That was my anchor too."

"Everything happens for a reason. Whether it's good times or bad times, there's a reason for it always. You don't see it when you're in the middle of things, yes. But in hindsight, it's always 20-20. We talked about that two, three 'Adulting' videos ago - you have to get away first and see it from afar," he stressed.

"Because anything, if it's right here in front of you, it won't be clear. And you won't be able to see it. What's important is for you to hang around long enough to be able to see it."

Heart said she feels like Chiz "predicted" the future.

"I would always hate you because of your tough love and how you were, like you know, like a general. That you would say this, hindi ganyan... And I think, I really took it the wrong way... And then you said something to me na: Lahat ng natutunan ko, 'ginamit mo laban sa akin.'"

"I always want, like, somebody that would, you know, a crying shoulder. Somebody that says they love me. Of course, you would say that you love me but somebody that gives me in touch of words, of affirmation touch. You're just very, I think, you experience so much in your life, you've experienced a lot of people that have literally turned their back on you, or is that politics, basically? I've never..."

But now, Chiz reiterated that as a couple they are "better, stronger, and tighter."

He said, accompanying Heart during a fashion week recently was just to be there as part of the supporting cast to provide "needed service" so the latter could do what she does best.

"It's a different experience, definitely," said Chiz, relating it's a "new" experience, describing it as "exciting," "exhilarating," and "insulting."

Heart, meanwhile, noted that Chiz was there to be with her and to "guide" her.

"I give my all and I do have my moments that I'm vulnerable and all of that. So that's why I really appreciated him when I look back."

Chiz reiterated that Heart is not "gullible" but more "too trusting."

"Gullibility and being too trusting are two different things."

The couple also talked about friendship breakup, which Heart got embroiled in recently.

As for their realizations, Heart said: "When Chiz and I spoke after a long
time, he said that I didn't need to say anything because he knew my heart. And for me, that is the most important. That no matter what you do in life or no matter what you go through the mistakes that, you know, kind of carried you away, you always go back to your family because they know your heart."

She then said her number one prayer.

"Take everything away just don't take my family away. Give them good health. Protect them. I don't need anything else, of course, I like the jackets, I love the bags, but you could take it all away just don't harm my family," Heart pleaded.

"Family first. Now I know that. That's all I pray for and I'm just very grateful, that's why I cry, because I'm grateful because in spite and despite of everything - the story won't ever probably be complete for everybody - but I have my family. I have Chiz. And guys, Chiz, can I say, he's the best. I don't care what they say you (are) really like King Solomon."

Heart then turned more emotional as she recalled Chiz asking her to prepare herself when he is no longer in this world.

"I don't think I'll ever be prepared," she pointed out.

Chiz maintained: "I'm older."

"I cannot. Like this world is so cruel. You cannot leave. And I thought you were my enemy for the longest time. But oh my god, I don't know how to live without you," Heart replied.

In the latter part, Heart said she's "learning."

"I'm a work. Everybody's a work in progress. And I'm not a know-it-all, I'm not perfect, and I guess that's something that you guys need to know - that nobody's perfect. Stop being so hard on yourself, even if I'm so hard on myself, nobody's perfect. And we just love people, that's it, you
know. And it is a cruel world and as long as you try to show your truest form is, especially with the people that love you, because when the world just bites you, you only have your family to tell you and remind you who you truly are. So thank you so much again."

Heart also addressed subscribers.

"I really hope that you guys out there learned something because we try to be as vulnerable, as real as we can. Nobody said our marriage was perfect. But I feel like it's the imperfections that make things close to perfect and makes a marriage a good marriage. And we can instill that to our children and to the people that come because it is our story. And the realest and the most ugliest part of the story is actually the ones that matter the most because it just shifts everything and makes it better."

Chiz added: "Just be still and know that there is a God. Things will always happen for a reason. And at the end of the day, if you stick to it, if you patiently wait for it, in His time it will come."

Heart continued: "And God has already prepared a table for you. And aside from that whatever the devil uses for evil, God will use for good. Be wise as a serpent but innocent as a dove... We don't mean to be preachy but there's a reason for everything."