Military ‘alarmed’ by Chinese vessels swarming at Iroquois Reef, Sabina Shoal

The Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Western Command (WesCom) expressed concern on the latest swarming of Chinese fishing vessels at Iroquois Reef and Sabina Shoal, both in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).


The Western Command patrols the West Philippine Sea (WPS) on June 30, 2023 and observes a swarming of Chinese fishing vessels at Iroquois Reef and Sabina Shoal. (Photo: WesCom)

In a statement Friday, July 7, the WesCom said that pilots aboard NV312, a Britten Norman Islander light patrol aircraft of the Philippine Navy, observed an “alarming presence” of Chinese fishing vessels in the said areas during patrol operations on June 30.

A total of 48 Chinese fishing vessels have been reported to be swarming Iroquois Reef, located south of the oil and gas-rich Recto Bank in WPS.

Meanwhile, three China Coast Guard (CCG) ships and two People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels were monitored to be “regularly loitering” at Sabina Shoal, compared to two wooden resupply boats from the Philippine Navy and two Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels.

Commander Ariel Coloma, WesCom spokesperson, said the developments “raise an alarming concern about China's intentions and actions within these disputed waters.” 

He said that Recto Bank, a significant feature for the Philippines holding immense potential for the country’s energy security and economic growth, stands as a focal point in this rising concern over China’s recent behavior. 

“Recto Bank is a vital feature within the Philippine’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and China must cease its swarming of vessels to respect our sovereign rights,” Coloma said.

The swarming of Chinese fishing vessels “is quite visible from the air,” according to Lt. Edgard Abodago, pilot in command of NV312. 

Additionally, the vessels were observed to be anchored in groups of five to seven with no fishing activities ever noticed, and they seem to just loiter in the area, said Lt. Karla Andres, co-pilot of NV312.

Iroquois Reef is located at approximately 237 kilometers (128 nautical miles) from Rizal, Palawan while Sabina Shoal is 133 kilometers (72 nautical miles) from Palawan, making both of them included within the 200-nautical mile EEZ of the Philippines.

Coloma said the recent observations by NV312 confirmed previous intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) flights conducted in the area which indicated an “increasing trend” of Chinese fishing vessels there, with only 12 vessels recorded back in February.

He said detailed reports of the swarming incident will be forwarded to the general headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in preparation for the filing of another diplomatic protest against China.