New anti-aging wonders

PRP, exosomes, and PDRN

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Enhancing collagen production, hastening skin healing, improving overall texture—these are all great benefits we want for our skin. While skin care creams and lasers can achieve them, there are now new ways to experience these benefits. Let’s learn about PRP, exosomes, and PDRN.

Using your own blood to heal? This is the benefit of Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, which uses a substance found in the blood containing growth factors to help in tissue repair and regrowth in the bones, muscles, and more. It is a common treatment for athletes in sports-related injuries and now, as a cosmetic treatment that helps with acne scars, sagging skin, and hyperpigmentation, among others. PRP therapy is performed by collecting blood from the patient where PRP is separated from the red blood cells in a machine and injected back into the body. PRP can be combined with other treatments as well, such as fillers and lasers. Multiple treatments may be needed with results that can last from weeks to months. This treatment, however, is not suitable for those with blood-related conditions.

Exosomes, on the other hand, are derived from the body’s stem cells that also contain growth factors, cytokines, lipids, proteins, and more that can tell a cell how to function and thus can help with healing, repair, and regeneration. Exosomes are extracted from stem cells. For the skin, exosomes can help with skin and scar healing, sun damage, skin texture, and rejuvenation. It may be administered topically, injected, or intravenously, such as in mesotherapy. Results gradually appear in weeks and may last for months.

Nucleotides are in the DNA and they have properties that can benefit the skin. Rejuran is an injectable that contains polynucleotides (PN) derived from salmon. It is found to be compatible to our skin. PN’s healing and regenerative properties offer benefits such as improved skin tone and texture, better hydration, and reduced appearance of scars and wrinkles. It is injected in different areas, from the forehead to the neck. In fact, this treatment is one of South Korea’s popular treatments. Results, though gradual, can also last for months.

All these substances are present in the body, which means they can have fewer risks and side effects. Moreover, since they are all non-surgical, they require minimal to no downtime at all. While each of these three treatments offers amazing anti-aging benefits as many patients attest, more research is needed to support the benefits they claim. What’s best for you is what your skin ultimately needs. Let your dermatologist recommend the right treatment for you and start reaping the benefits of these new anti-aging wonders.