ICTSI Argentina links up with North American gulf coast

At a glance

  • International Container Terminal Services, Inc.’s (ICTSI) Argentina cargo handling operations, TecPlata, has forged a new connection with the North American gulf coast by servicing Zim Integrated Shipping Services’ (ZIM) Patagonia Express Service (PES).

ICTSI Argentina links up with North American gulf coast

By Emmie V. Abadilla

International Container Terminal Services, Inc.’s (ICTSI) Argentina cargo handling operations, TecPlata, has forged a new connection with the North American gulf coast by servicing Zim Integrated Shipping Services’ (ZIM) Patagonia Express Service (PES).

ZIM’s newly launched service links Argentina to the Caribbean and the US Gulf Coast through the ports of Kingston, a major Caribbean hub, and Houston in the Gulf of Mexico.

The service marked its inaugural call at TecPlata with the arrival of the 1,000-twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) boxship Contship Key, and with its present network set up, is expected to call TecPlata every 45 days.

The maritime service from La Plata to Kingston and Houston provides a reliable and efficient connection for Argentinian foreign trade, offering commercial opportunities that promote economic growth in the region.

“We are pleased to receive the Contship Key at TecPlata and start this new connection with the North American gulf coast," says Juan Pablo Trujillo, TecPlata chief executive officer.

"This strategic alliance with ZIM enables us to offer new services and logistics distribution to our clients," he added.

"We are confident that this service will strengthen TecPlata’s position as a strategic trade port on the East Coast of South America.”

TecPlata delivers new opportunities to clients through this service, which takes advantage of the terminal’s modern port infrastructure and world-class standard of operation.

ZIM’s arrival in TecPlata further expands the connectivity of La Plata beyond the Latin America region.

In 2008, TecPlata S.A. was granted a 30-year concession to build and operate an all-purpose port terminal in the greater Buenos Aires area in Argentina by the Consorcio de Gestion del Puerto La Plata.

Built with an investment of $450 million, TecPlata is Argentina’s most modern container terminal with an initial capacity of 450,000 TEU capacity, and capable of being extended of up to 1 million TEUs in the second phase.