Understanding Scam Watch Pilipinas

A tech advocacy channel geared towards cybersecurity education to reach more Filipinos against online scams

At a glance

  • Manila Bulletin (MB), with start-up reputation management brand Truth360 initiated a groundbreaking advocacy movement called Scam Watch Pilipinas, or #ScamWatchPH, aimed at empowering Filipinos with the knowledge and tools to defend themselves against online scams and cyber fraud.

  • The prevalence of online scams in the Philippines is a growing concern, with the scams themselves becoming increasingly sophisticated, ranging from phishing attempts to elaborate fake e-commerce sites.

  • #ScamWatchPH encourages individuals to take proactive measures such as skepticism towards unsolicited messages, protection of personal information, usage of strong and unique passwords, regular software updates, and cautious behavior when clicking on links.

In today's ultra-connected world, cybersecurity has taken a prominent role in the narrative of protecting people from the perils of the online landscape. As the internet brings us closer together, it unfortunately also presents unprecedented opportunities for scams and fraudulent activities, exploiting the vulnerabilities of individuals who are unaware or ill-prepared. Recognizing this growing concern, especially amidst the increased digital transactions brought about by the pandemic, Manila Bulletin (MB), with start-up reputation management brand Truth360, embarked on a ground-breaking initiative: Scam Watch Pilipinas, also known as #ScamWatchPH.

#ScamWatchPH is a cybersecurity movement intended to educate as many Filipinos as possible against cyber fraud and online scams, ensuring they are armed with the necessary knowledge to safeguard their virtual activities. It is a project by MB Technews geared towards transforming the news section into a technology advocacy channel in collaboration with the government and private sector. We also want to bring the government's cyber security channel initiatives that can help victims of cyber fraud to the public through consistent information dissemination campaigns. We also want to protect the customers and clients of our brand partners by having a unified cybersecurity messaging approach.

The core mission of #ScamWatchPH goes beyond mere protection. It emphasizes the critical role of education and awareness campaigns in combating the digital menace. The initiative aims to instil a culture of constant vigilance by offering practical advice on identifying scams and promoting scepticism towards unsolicited messages. As a result, cybersecurity education becomes not just an accessory but an essential component in securing the digital environment.

Online scams have rapidly evolved and diversified globally and within the Philippines. The breadth and depth of online fraudulent activities have become alarmingly complex, from phishing scams that lure individuals into revealing sensitive information to sophisticated schemes involving fake e-commerce sites. In the face of this digital threat, comprehensive initiatives like #ScamWatchPH become pivotal in responding to the risks and preemptively engaging them.

As the #ScamWatchPH initiative gathers momentum towards its official launch later this year, it embodies a vital step in safeguarding the digital ecosystem. It sets the stage for a concerted effort where technology, collaboration, and education converge to create a safer online experience.

While #ScamWatchPH prepares to serve as an innovative shield against online scams, each individual can play a role in securing their digital presence. Here are some practical tips that everyone can use to fend off scams:
1.       Be skeptical of unsolicited communication: If you receive an email, message, or call from an unknown sender or caller asking for personal information, money or offering you to invest, treat it with suspicion. Even if the communication appears to come from a known institution or a friend, double-check by contacting the organization through a verified channel or your friend directly.
2.       Protect your personal information: Be careful about the information you share online, especially on social media. Cybercriminals can use this information to impersonate you or answer security questions about your accounts.
3.       Use strong, unique passwords: Employ complex passwords for all your accounts and change them regularly. Consider using a password manager to keep track of them. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible for an additional layer of security.
4.       Keep software up-to-date: Regularly update your computer, smartphone, and other devices, as well as the apps and software you use. These updates often contain security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit.
5.       Install a reliable antivirus software and firewall: These tools can provide additional protection by detecting and blocking malicious software.
6.       Exercise caution when clicking links: Don't click on links in unsolicited emails or messages. These could lead to fraudulent websites or download malware onto your device.

Incorporating these habits into our daily digital lives can create a formidable first line of defense against scams. But remember, even the most vigilant among us can fall victim to fraud. Reporting suspected scams is crucial to aid the collective fight against these cybercrime.

We can all contribute to a safer online experience through collective effort and vigilance.  The launch of #ScamWatchPH promises to be a significant stride in this endeavor, aiming to arm every netizen with the necessary tools and knowledge to battle the scourge of online scams. Here's to a safer digital Philippines!